dml <- Lexis( entry = list(Per=dodm, Age=dodm-dobth, DMdur=0 ),
exit = list(Per=dox),
exit.status = factor(!,labels=c("DM","Dead")),
data = DMlate[runif(nrow(DMlate))<0.1,] )
# Split follow-up at insulin, introduce a new timescale,
# and split non-precursor states
dmi <- cutLexis( dml, cut = dml$doins,
pre = "DM",
new.state = "Ins",
new.scale = "t.Ins",
split.states = TRUE )
# Split the follow in 1-year intervals for modelling
Si <- splitLexis( dmi, 0:30/2, "DMdur" )
# Define knots
nk <- 4
( <- with( subset(Si,lex.Xst=="Ins"),
quantile( Age+lex.dur, probs=(1:nk-0.5)/nk ) ) )
( <- with( subset(Si,lex.Xst=="Dead"),
quantile( Age+lex.dur, probs=(1:nk-0.5)/nk ) ) )
( <- with( subset(Si,lex.Xst=="Ins"),
quantile( DMdur+lex.dur, probs=(1:nk-0.5)/nk ) ) )
( <- with( subset(Si,lex.Xst=="Dead"),
quantile( DMdur+lex.dur, probs=(1:nk-0.5)/nk ) ) )
( <- with( subset(Si,lex.Xst=="Dead(Ins)"),
quantile( t.Ins+lex.dur, probs=(1:nk-0.5)/nk ) ) )
# Fit Poisson models to transition rates
library( splines )
DM.Ins <- glm( (lex.Xst=="Ins") ~ Ns( Age , ) +
Ns( DMdur, ) +
I(Per-2000) + sex,
family=poisson, offset=log(lex.dur),
data = subset(Si,lex.Cst=="DM") )
DM.Dead <- glm( (lex.Xst=="Dead") ~ Ns( Age , ) +
Ns( DMdur, ) +
I(Per-2000) + sex,
family=poisson, offset=log(lex.dur),
data = subset(Si,lex.Cst=="DM") )
Ins.Dead <- glm( (lex.Xst=="Dead(Ins)") ~ Ns( Age , ) +
Ns( DMdur, ) +
Ns( t.Ins, ) +
I(Per-2000) + sex,
family=poisson, offset=log(lex.dur),
data = subset(Si,lex.Cst=="Ins") )
# Stuff the models into an object representing the transitions
Tr <- list( "DM" = list( "Ins" = DM.Ins,
"Dead" = DM.Dead ),
"Ins" = list( "Dead(Ins)" = Ins.Dead ) )
lapply( Tr, names )
# Define an initial object - note the subsetting that ensures that
# all attributes are carried over
ini <- Si[1,1:9][-1,]
ini[1:2,"lex.Cst"] <- "DM"
ini[1:2,"Per"] <- 1995
ini[1:2,"Age"] <- 60
ini[1:2,"DMdur"] <- 5
ini[1:2,"sex"] <- c("M","F")
# Simulate 200 of each sex using the estimated models in Tr
simL <- simLexis( Tr, ini, time.pts=seq(0,11,0.5), N=200 )
summary( simL )
# Find the number of persons in each state at a set of times.
# Note that the times are shirter than the time-span simulated.
nSt <- nState( subset(simL,sex=="M"),
at=seq(0,10,0.1), from=1995, time.scale="Per" )
# Show the cumulative prevalences in a different order than that of the
# state-level ordering and plot them using all defaults
pp <- pState( nSt, perm=c(1,2,4,3) )
head( pp )
plot( pp )
# A more useful set-up of the graph
clr <- c("orange2","forestgreen")
par( las=1 )
plot( pp, col=clr[c(2,1,1,2)] )
lines( as.numeric(rownames(pp)), pp[,2], lwd=2 )
mtext( "60 year old male, diagnosed 1995", side=3, line=2.5, adj=0 )
mtext( "Survival curve", side=3, line=1.5, adj=0 )
mtext( "DM, no insulin DM, Insulin", side=3, line=0.5, adj=0, col=clr[1] )
mtext( "DM, no insulin", side=3, line=0.5, adj=0, col=clr[2] )
axis( side=4 )
# Using a Cox-model for the mortality rates assuming the two mortality
# rates to be proportional:
# When we fit a Cox-model, lex.dur must be used in the Surv() function,
# and the I() constrction must be used when specifying intermediate
# states as covariates, since factors with levels not present in the
# data will create NAs in the parameter vector returned by coxph, which
# in return will crash the simulation machinery.
library( survival )
Cox.Dead <- coxph( Surv( DMdur, DMdur+lex.dur,
lex.Xst %in% c("Dead(Ins)","Dead")) ~
Ns( Age-DMdur, ) +
I(lex.Cst=="Ins") +
I(Per-2000) + sex,
data = Si )
Cr <- list( "DM" = list( "Ins" = DM.Ins,
"Dead" = Cox.Dead ),
"Ins" = list( "Dead(Ins)" = Cox.Dead ) )
simL <- simLexis( Cr, ini, time.pts=seq(0,11,0.2), N=200 )
summary( simL )
nSt <- nState( subset(simL,sex=="M"),
at=seq(0,10,0.2), from=1995, time.scale="Per" )
pp <- pState( nSt, perm=c(1,2,4,3) )
plot( pp )
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