Analytical estimates of the instantaneous reproduction number for an epidemic over predefined time windows can be obtained within a Bayesian framework,
for a given discrete distribution of the serial interval (see references).
The more incident cases are observed over a time window, the smallest the posterior coefficient of variation (CV, ratio of standard deviation over mean) of the reproduction number.
An aimed CV can be specified in the argument CV.Posterior
(default is 0.3
), and a warning will be produced if the incidence within one of the time windows considered is too low to get this CV.
The methods vary in the way the serial interval distribution is specified. The plots are also different according to the method used.
----------------------- method "NonParametricSI"
The discrete distribution of the serial interval is directly specified in the argument SI.Distr
If plot
, 3 plots are produced.
The first one shows the epidemic curve.
The second one shows the posterior median and 95% credible interval of the reproduction number. The estimate for a time window is plotted at the end of the time window.
The position of the legend on that graph can be monitored by the argument leg.pos
(default is "topright
The third plot shows the discrete distribution of the serial interval.
----------------------- method "ParametricSI"
The mean and standard deviation of the continuous distribution of the serial interval are given in the arguments Mean.SI
and Std.SI
The discrete distribution of the serial interval is derived automatically using DiscrSI
If plot
, 3 plots are produced, which are identical to the ones for method "NonParametricSI"
----------------------- method "UncertainSI"
Method "UncertainSI"
allows accounting for uncertainty on the serial interval distribution (see references).
We allow the mean \(\mu\) and standard deviation \(\sigma\) of the serial interval to vary according to truncated normal distributions.
We sample n1
pairs of mean and standard deviations, \((\mu^{(1)},\sigma^{(1)}),...,(\mu^{(n_2)},\sigma^{(n_2)})\), by first sampling the mean \(\mu^{(k)}\)
from its truncated normal distribution (with mean Mean.SI
, standard deviation Std.Mean.SI
, minimum Min.Mean.SI
and maximum Max.Mean.SI
and then sampling the standard deviation \(\sigma^{(k)}\) from its truncated normal distribution
(with mean Std.SI
, standard deviation Std.Std.SI
, minimum Min.Std.SI
and maximum Max.Std.SI
), but imposing that \(\sigma^{(k)}<\mu^{(k)}\).
This constraint ensures that the Gamma probability density function of the serial interval is null at \(t=0\).
Warnings are produced when the truncated normal distributions are not symmetric around the mean.
For each pair \((\mu^{(k)},\sigma^{(k)})\), we then draw a sample of size n2
in the posterior distribution of the reproduction number over each time window, conditionnally on this serial interval distribution.
After pooling, a sample of size \(\code{n1}\times\code{n2}\) of the joint posterior distribution of the reproduction number over each time window is obtained.
The posterior mean, standard deviation, and 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975 quantiles of the reproduction number for each time window are obtained from this sample.
If plot
, 4 plots are produced.
The first one shows the epidemic curve.
The second one shows the posterior median and 95% credible interval of the reproduction number. The estimate for a time window is plotted at the end of the time window.
The position of the legend on that graph can be monitored by the argument leg.pos
(default is "topright
The third and fourth plots show histograms of the sampled means and standard deviations of the serial interval.