#Scripts are given below for all Figures and Tables in McLeod and Zhang (2008b).
#Figure 1. Plot of lynx time series using plot.ts
#Figure 2. Plot of lynx series using TimeSeriesPlot
TimeSeriesPlot(lynx, type="o", pch=16, ylab="# pelts", main="Lynx Trappings")
#Figure 3. Trellis plot for Ninemile series
graphics.off() #clear previous graphics
print(TimeSeriesPlot(Ninemile, SubLength=200))
#Figure 4. Partial autocorrelation plot of lynx series
graphics.off() #clear previous graphics
## Not run: #takes some time for all these examples
# #Figure 5. Using SelectModel to select the best subset ARz or ARp and
# # comparing BIC and UBIC subset selection.
# #
# graphics.off() #clear previous graphics
# layout(matrix(1:4,ncol=2),respect=TRUE)
# ansBICp<-SelectModel(log(lynx),lag.max=15,Criterion="BIC", ARModel="ARp", Best=3)
# ansUBICp<-SelectModel(log(lynx),lag.max=15, ARModel="ARp", Best=3)
# ansBICz<-SelectModel(log(lynx),lag.max=15,Criterion="BIC", ARModel="ARz", Best=3)
# ansUBICz<-SelectModel(log(lynx),lag.max=15, ARModel="ARz", Best=3)
# par(mfg=c(1,1))
# plot(ansBICp)
# par(mfg=c(2,1))
# plot(ansUBICp)
# par(mfg=c(1,2))
# plot(ansBICz)
# par(mfg=c(2,2))
# plot(ansUBICz)
# #Figure 6. Logged spectral density function fitted to square-root of monthly
# # sunspot series using the non-subset AR and subset ARz.
# # AIC and BIC are used for the AR while BIC and UBIC are used
# # for the ARz. Takes about 115 seconds on 3.6 GHz Pentium PC.
# graphics.off() #clear previous graphics
# layout(matrix(1:4,ncol=2),respect=TRUE)
# z<-sqrt(sunspots)
# P<-200
# pAIC<-SelectModel(z, lag.max=P, ARModel="AR", Best=1, Criterion="AIC")
# ARAIC<-FitAR(z, pAIC)
# par(mfg=c(1,1))
# sdfplot(ARAIC)
# title(main="AIC Order Selection")
# pBIC<-SelectModel(z, lag.max=P, ARModel="AR", Best=1, Criterion="BIC")
# ARBIC<-FitAR(z, pBIC)
# par(mfg=c(1,2))
# sdfplot(ARBIC)
# title(main="BIC Order Selection")
# SunspotMonthARzBIC<-SelectModel(z,lag.max=P, ARModel="ARz", Best=1, Criterion="BIC")
# ARzBIC<-FitAR(z, SunspotMonthARzBIC)
# par(mfg=c(2,1))
# sdfplot(ARzBIC)
# title(main="BIC Subset Selection")
# SunspotMonthARzUBIC<-SelectModel(z,lag.max=P, ARModel="ARz", Best=1)
# ARzUBIC<-FitAR(z, SunspotMonthARzUBIC)
# par(mfg=c(2,2))
# sdfplot(ARzUBIC)
# title(main="UBIC Subset Selection")
# #Table 3.
# #First part of table: AR(1) and AR(2).
# #Only timings for GetFitAR and FitAR since the R function ar produces too many
# # warnings and an error message as noted in McLeod and Zhang (2008b, p.12).
# #The ar function with mle option is not recommended.
# start.time<-proc.time()
# set.seed(661177723)
# NREP<-100 #takes about 156 sec
# NREP<-10 #takes about 16 sec
# ns<-c(50,100,200,500,1000)
# ps<-c(1,2) #AR(p), p=1,2
# tmsA<-matrix(numeric(4*length(ns)*length(ps)),ncol=4)
# for (IP in 1:length(ps)){
# p<-ps[IP]
# for (ISIM in 1:length(ns)){
# n<-ns[ISIM]
# ptm <- proc.time()
# for (i in 1:NREP){
# phi<-PacfToAR(runif(p, min=-1, max =1))
# z<-SimulateGaussianAR(phi,n)
# phiHat<-try(GetFitAR(z,p,MeanValue=mean(z))$phiHat)
# }
# t1<-(proc.time() - ptm)[1]
# #
# ptm <- proc.time()
# for (i in 1:NREP){
# phi<-PacfToAR(runif(p, min=-1, max =1))
# z<-SimulateGaussianAR(phi,n)
# phiHat<-try(FitAR(z,p,MeanMLEQ=TRUE)$phiHat)
# }
# t2<-(proc.time() - ptm)[1]
# #
# ptm <- proc.time()
# for (i in 1:NREP){
# phi<-PacfToAR(runif(p, min=-1, max =1))
# z<-SimulateGaussianAR(phi,n)
# #uncomment this line and next two lines for ar timings -- expect lots of
# # warnings and an error message!!
# #phiHat<-try(ar(z,aic=FALSE,order.max=p,method="mle")$ar)
# #delete this line and the next one
# phiHat<-NA
# }
# #uncomment this line for ar timings
# #t3<-(proc.time() - ptm)[1]
# t3<-NA #delete this line for ar timings
# tmsA[ICOUNT,]<-c(n,t1,t2,t3)
# }
# }
# rnames<-c(rep("AR(1)", length(ns)),rep("AR(2)", length(ns)) )
# cnames<-c("n", "GetFitAR", "FitAR", "ar")
# dimnames(tmsA)<-list(rnames,cnames)
# tmsA[,-1]<-round(tmsA[,-1]/NREP,2)
# end.time<-proc.time()
# total.time<-(end.time-start.time)[1]
# #Second part of table: AR(20) and AR(40).
# #NOTE: ar is not recommended with method="mle" produces numerous warnings
# # and also takes a long time!
# start.time<-proc.time()
# set.seed(661177723)
# NREP<-100 #takes 7.5 hours
# NREP<-10 #takes 45 minutes
# ns<-c(1000,2000,5000)
# ps<-c(20,40)
# tmsB<-matrix(numeric(4*length(ns)*length(ps)),ncol=4)
# for (IP in 1:length(ps)){
# p<-ps[IP]
# phi<-PacfToAR(0.8/(1:p))
# for (ISIM in 1:length(ns)){
# n<-ns[ISIM]
# ptm <- proc.time()
# for (i in 1:NREP){
# z<-SimulateGaussianAR(phi,n)
# phiHat<-try(GetFitAR(z,p,MeanValue=mean(z))$phiHat)
# }
# t1<-(proc.time() - ptm)[1]
# ptm <- proc.time()
# for (i in 1:NREP){
# z<-SimulateGaussianAR(phi,n)
# phiHat<-try(FitAR(z,p,MeanMLEQ=TRUE)$phiHat)
# }
# t2<-(proc.time() - ptm)[1]
# ptm <- proc.time()
# for (i in 1:NREP){
# z<-SimulateGaussianAR(phi,n)
# phiHat<-try(ar(z,aic=FALSE,order.max=p,method="mle")$ar)
# }
# t3<-(proc.time() - ptm)[1]
# tmsB[ICOUNT,]<-c(n,t1,t2,t3)
# }
# }
# rnames<-c( rep("AR(20)", length(ns)), rep("AR(40)", length(ns)) )
# cnames<-c("n", "GetFitAR", "FitAR", "ar")
# dimnames(tmsB)<-list(rnames,cnames)
# tmsB[,-1] <- round(tmsB[,-1]/NREP,2)
# end.time<-proc.time()
# total.time<-(end.time-start.time)[1]
# #Figure 7. Comparing Box-Cox analyses using FitAR and MASS
# library(MASS)
# graphics.off() #clear previous graphics
# layout(matrix(c(1,2,1,2),ncol=2))
# pvec<-c(1,2,4,10,11)
# out<-FitAR(lynx, ARModel="ARp", pvec)
# BoxCox(out)
# PMAX<-max(pvec)
# Xy <- embed(lynx, PMAX + 1)
# y <- Xy[, 1]
# X <- (Xy[, -1])[, pvec] #pvec != 1
# outlm<-lm(y~X)
# boxcox(outlm,lambda=seq(0.0,0.6,0.05))
# #Figure 8
# graphics.off() #clear previous graphics
# BoxCox(AirPassengers) #takes about 30 sec
# #Figure 9
# graphics.off() #clear previous graphics
# data(rivers)
# BoxCox(rivers)
# title(sub="Length of 141 North American Rivers")
# #Figure 10
# graphics.off() #clear previous graphics
# data(USTobacco)
# TimeSeriesPlot(USTobacco, aspect=1)
# #Figure 11
# graphics.off() #clear previous graphics
# data(USTobacco)
# outUST<-arima(USTobacco, c(0,1,1))
# BoxCox(outUST)
# #Figure 12. Basic diagnostic plots for ARp fitted to the log lynx series
# graphics.off() #clear previous graphics
# out<-FitAR(log(lynx), ARModel="ARp", c(1,2,4,10,11))
# plot(out, terse=TRUE)
# #Figure 13. RSF plot for ARp fitted to log lynx series
# graphics.off() #clear previous graphics
# out<-FitAR(log(lynx), ARModel="ARp", c(1,2,4,10,11))
# rfs(out)
# #Table 6. Comparison of bootstrap and large-sample sd
# #Use bootstrap to compute standard errors of parameters
# #takes about 34 seconds on a 3.6 GHz PC
# ptm <- proc.time() #user time
# set.seed(2491781) #for reproducibility
# R<-100 #number of bootstrap iterations
# p<-c(1,2,4,7,10,11)
# ans<-FitAR(log(lynx),p)
# out<-Boot(ans, R)
# fn<-function(z) FitAR(z,p)$zetaHat
# sdBoot<-sqrt(diag(var(t(apply(out,fn,MARGIN=2)))))
# sdLargeSample<-coef(ans)[,2][1:6]
# sd<-matrix(c(sdBoot,sdLargeSample),ncol=2)
# dimnames(sd)<-list(names(sdLargeSample),c("Bootstrap","LargeSample"))
# ptm<-(proc.time()-ptm)[1]
# sd
# ## End(Not run)
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