prop <- c(0.20,0.30,0.27,0.23)
effect <- 2.5
sim.D <- InterSIM(n.sample=100,cluster.sample.prop=prop,delta.methyl=effect,
do.plot=FALSE, sample.cluster=TRUE, feature.cluster=TRUE)
dat1 <- sim.D$dat.methyl
dat2 <- sim.D$dat.expr
dat3 <- sim.D$dat.protein
true.cluster.assignment <- sim.D$clustering.assignment
## Make all data positive by shifting to positive direction.
## Also rescale the datasets so that they are comparable.
if (!all(dat1>=0)) dat1 <- pmax(dat1 + abs(min(dat1)), .Machine$double.eps)
dat1 <- dat1/max(dat1)
if (!all(dat2>=0)) dat2 <- pmax(dat2 + abs(min(dat2)), .Machine$double.eps)
dat2 <- dat2/max(dat2)
if (!all(dat3>=0)) dat3 <- pmax(dat3 + abs(min(dat3)), .Machine$double.eps)
dat3 <- dat3/max(dat3)
# The function nmf.mnnals requires the samples to be on rows and variables on columns.
dat <- list(dat1,dat2,dat3)
fit <- nmf.mnnals(dat=dat,k=length(prop),maxiter=200,st.count=20,n.ini=15,ini.nndsvd=TRUE,
ClusterPurity(ComputedClusters=fit$clusters, TrueClasses=true.cluster.assignment$
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