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Mediana (version 1.0.8)

MultAdj: MultAdj object


This function creates an object of class MultAdj which can be added to an object of class AnalysisModel.




defines the arguments passed to create the object of class MultAdj.


This function can be used to wrap-up several objects of class MultAdjProc or MultAdjStrategy and add them to an object of class AnalysisModel. Its use is optional as objects of class MultAdjProc or MultAdjStrategy can be added to an object of class AnalysisModel incrementally using the '+' operator.

Objects of class MultAdjProc or MultAdjStrategy can be added to an object of class AnalysisModel.



See Also

See Also MultAdjStrategy, MultAdjProc and AnalysisModel.


Run this code
# Multiplicity adjustments
mult.adj1 = MultAdjProc(proc = NA)
mult.adj2 = MultAdjProc(proc = "BonferroniAdj")
mult.adj3 = MultAdjProc(proc = "HolmAdj", par = parameters(weight = rep(1/3,3)))
mult.adj4 = MultAdjProc(proc = "HochbergAdj", par = parameters(weight = c(1/4,1/4,1/2)))

# Analysis model
analysis.model = AnalysisModel() +
                 MultAdj(mult.adj1, mult.adj2, mult.adj3, mult.adj4) +
                 Test(id = "Pl vs Dose L",
                      samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose L"),
                      method = "TTest") +
                 Test(id = "Pl vs Dose M",
                      samples = samples ("Placebo", "Dose M"),
                      method = "TTest") +
                 Test(id = "Pl vs Dose H",
                      samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose H"),
                      method = "TTest")

# Equivalent to:
analysis.model = AnalysisModel() +
                 mult.adj1 +
                 mult.adj2 +
                 mult.adj3 +
                 mult.adj4 +
                 Test(id = "Pl vs Dose L",
                      samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose L"),
                      method = "TTest") +
                 Test(id = "Pl vs Dose M",
                      samples = samples ("Placebo", "Dose M"),
                      method = "TTest") +
                 Test(id = "Pl vs Dose H",
                      samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose H"),
                      method = "TTest")

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab