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Mediana (version 1.0.8)

MultAdjStrategy: MultAdjStrategy object


This function creates an object of class MultAdjStrategy which can be added to objects of class AnalysisModel, MultAdj or MultAdjStrategy.




defines an object of class MultAdjProc.


This function can be used when several multiplicity adjustment procedures are used within a single Clinical Scenario Evaluation, for example when several case studies are simulated into the same Clinical Scenario Evaluation.

Objects of class MultAdjStrategy are used in objects of class AnalysisModel to define a Multiplicity Adjustment Procedure Strategy that will be applied to the statistical tests to protect the overall Type I error rate. Several objects of class MultAdjStrategy can be added to an object of class AnalysisModel, using the '+' operator or by grouping them into a MultAdj object.



See Also

See Also MultAdj, MultAdjProc and AnalysisModel.


Run this code
# Parallel gatekeeping procedure parameters
family = families(family1 = c(1), family2 = c(2, 3))
component.procedure = families(family1 ="HolmAdj", family2 = "HolmAdj")
gamma = families(family1 = 1, family2 = 1)

# Multiple sequence gatekeeping procedure parameters for Trial A
mult.adj.trialA = MultAdjProc(proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj",
                              par = parameters(family = family,
                                               proc = component.procedure,
                                               gamma = gamma),
                              tests = tests("Trial A Pla vs Trt End1",
                                            "Trial A Pla vs Trt End2",
                                            "Trial A Pla vs Trt End3")

mult.adj.trialB = MultAdjProc(proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj",
                              par = parameters(family = family,
                                               proc = component.procedure,
                                               gamma = gamma),
                              tests = tests("Trial B Pla vs Trt End1",
                                            "Trial B Pla vs Trt End2",
                                            "Trial B Pla vs Trt End3")

mult.adj.pooled = MultAdjProc(proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj",
                              par = parameters(family = family,
                                               proc = component.procedure,
                                               gamma = gamma),
                              tests = tests("Pooled Pla vs Trt End1",
                                            "Pooled Pla vs Trt End2",
                                            "Pooled Pla vs Trt End3")

# Analysis model
analysis.model = AnalysisModel() +
  MultAdjStrategy(mult.adj.trialA, mult.adj.trialB, mult.adj.pooled) +
  # Tests for study A
  Test(id = "Trial A Pla vs Trt End1",
       method = "PropTest",
       samples = samples("Trial A Plac End1", "Trial A Trt End1")) +
  Test(id = "Trial A Pla vs Trt End2",
       method = "TTest",
       samples = samples("Trial A Plac End2", "Trial A Trt End2")) +
  Test(id = "Trial A Pla vs Trt End3",
       method = "TTest",
       samples = samples("Trial A Plac End3", "Trial A Trt End3")) +
  # Tests for study B
  Test(id = "Trial B Pla vs Trt End1",
       method = "PropTest",
       samples = samples("Trial B Plac End1", "Trial B Trt End1")) +
  Test(id = "Trial B Pla vs Trt End2",
       method = "TTest",
       samples = samples("Trial B Plac End2", "Trial B Trt End2")) +
  Test(id = "Trial B Pla vs Trt End3",
       method = "TTest",
       samples = samples("Trial B Plac End3", "Trial B Trt End3")) +
  # Tests for pooled studies
  Test(id = "Pooled Pla vs Trt End1",
       method  = "PropTest",
       samples = samples(samples("Trial A Plac End1","Trial B Plac End1"),
                         samples("Trial A Trt End1","Trial B Trt End1"))) +
  Test(id = "Pooled Pla vs Trt End2",
       method  = "TTest",
       samples = samples(samples("Trial A Plac End2","Trial B Plac End2"),
                         samples("Trial A Trt End2","Trial B Trt End2"))) +
  Test(id = "Pooled Pla vs Trt End3",
       method  = "TTest",
       samples = samples(samples("Trial A Plac End3","Trial B Plac End3"),
                         samples("Trial A Trt End3","Trial B Trt End3")))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab