RClimMAWGEN (version 1.1)
RClimMAWGEN (R Climate Index Multi-site Auto-regressive Weather
GENeretor): a package to generate time series of climate
indices from RMAWGEN generations.
This package contains wrapper functions and methods which allow to
use "climdex.pcic" and "RMAWGEN" packages. With this simple approach it is
possible to calculate climate change indices, suggested by the WMO-CCL,
CLIVAR, ETCCDMI(http://www.climdex.org),on stochastic generations of
temperature and precipitation time series, obtained by the application of
RMAWGEN. Each index can be applied to both observed data and to synthetic
time series produced by the Weather Generator, over a reference period
(e.g. 1981-2010, as in the example). It contains also functions and methods
to evaluate the generated time series of climate change indices consistency
by statistical tests.Bugs/comments/questions/collaboration of any kind are
warmly welcomed.