## First, set all the parameters:
K = 20; ##number of neighbors, must be greater than 1. usually (10~30)
alpha = 0.5; ##hyperparameter, usually (0.3~0.8)
T = 20; ###Number of Iterations, usually (10~50)
## Data1 is of size n x d_1,
## where n is the number of patients, d_1 is the number of genes,
## Data2 is of size n x d_2,
## where n is the number of patients, d_2 is the number of methylation
## Calculate distance matrices(here we calculate Euclidean Distance,
## you can use other distance, e.g. correlation)
Dist1 = (dist2(as.matrix(Data1),as.matrix(Data1)))^(1/2)
Dist2 = (dist2(as.matrix(Data2),as.matrix(Data2)))^(1/2)
## Next, construct similarity graphs
W1 = affinityMatrix(Dist1, K, alpha)
W2 = affinityMatrix(Dist2, K, alpha)
# }
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