Run fastica algorithm from the ica package for ICA dimensionality reduction.
For details about stored ICA calculation parameters, see
RunICA(object, ic.genes = NULL, ics.compute = 50, use.imputed = FALSE,
rev.ica = FALSE, print.results = TRUE, ics.print = 1:5,
genes.print = 50, ica.function = "icafast", seed.use = 1, ...)
Seurat object
Genes to use as input for ICA. Default is object@var.genes
Number of ICs to compute
Run ICA on imputed values (FALSE by default)
By default, computes the dimensional reduction on the cell x gene matrix. Setting to true will compute it on the transpose (gene x cell matrix).
Print the top genes associated with each dimension
ICs to print genes for
Number of genes to print for each IC
ICA function from ica package to run (options: icafast, icaimax, icajade)
Random seed to use for fastica
Additional arguments to be passed to fastica
Returns Seurat object with an ICA calculation stored in object@dr$ica