Returns a list of cells that match a particular set of criteria such as identity class, high/low values for particular PCs, ect..
WhichCells(object, ident = NULL, ident.remove = NULL, cells.use = NULL, = NULL, accept.low = -Inf, accept.high = Inf,
accept.value = NULL, max.cells.per.ident = Inf, random.seed = 1)
Seurat object
Identity classes to subset. Default is all identities.
Indentity classes to remove. Default is NULL.
Subset of cell names
Parameter to subset on. Eg, the name of a gene, PC1, a column name in, etc. Any argument that can be retreived using FetchData
Low cutoff for the parameter (default is -Inf)
High cutoff for the parameter (default is Inf)
Returns all cells with the subset name equal to this value
Can be used to downsample the data to a certain max per cell ident. Default is inf.
Random seed for downsampling
A vector of cell names