N <- 2
distRas <- raster(extent(0,40,0,40), res = 1)
coords <- cbind(x = round(runif(N, xmin(distRas), xmax(distRas)))+0.5,
y = round(runif(N, xmin(distRas), xmax(distRas)))+0.5)
# inverse distance weights
dists1 <- distanceFromEachPoint(coords, landscape = distRas)
indices <- cellFromXY(distRas,dists1[,c("x","y")])
invDist <- tapply(dists1[,"dists"], indices, function(x) sum(1/(1+x))) # idw function
distRas[] <- as.vector(invDist)
if (interactive()) {
# With iterative summing via cumulativeFn to keep memory use low, with same result
dists1 <- distanceFromEachPoint(coords[, c("x", "y"), drop = FALSE],
landscape = distRas, cumulativeFn = `+`)
idwRaster <- raster(distRas)
idwRaster[] <- dists1[,"val"]
if (interactive()) Plot(idwRaster)
all(idwRaster[] == distRas[]) # TRUE
# A more complex example of cumulative inverse distance sums, weighted by the value
# of the origin cell
ras <- raster(extent(0,34, 0,34), res = 1, val = 0)
rp <- randomPolygons(ras, numTypes = 10) ^ 2
N <- 15
cells <- sample(ncell(ras), N)
coords <- xyFromCell(ras, cells)
distFn <- function(landscape, fromCell, dist) landscape[fromCell] / (1 + dist)
# beginCluster(3) # can do parallel
dists1 <- distanceFromEachPoint(coords[, c("x", "y"), drop = FALSE],
landscape = rp, distFn = distFn, cumulativeFn = `+`)
# endCluster() # if beginCluster was run
idwRaster <- raster(ras)
idwRaster[] <- dists1[,"val"]
if (interactive()) {
Plot(rp, idwRaster)
sp1 <- SpatialPoints(coords)
Plot(sp1, addTo="rp")
Plot(sp1, addTo="idwRaster")
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab