- x
Data frame or list containing summary statistics for
multiple parameters measured in both sexes in two or more populations.
- R.res
Pooled within correlation matrix, Default: NULL
- Trait
Number of the column containing names of measured parameters,
Default: 1
- Pop
Number of the column containing populations' names, Default: 2
- type_manova
type of MANOVA test "I","II" or "III", Default:"II".
- manova_test_statistic
type of test statistic used either "W" for "Wilks","P"
for "Pillai", "HL" for "Hotelling-Lawley" or "R" for "Roy's largest root",
Default: "W".
- interact_manova
Logical; if TRUE calculates MANOVA for the interaction
effects,Default: TRUE.
- es_manova
effect size either ,"eta" for eta squared, or "none"for
not reporting an effect size, Default:"none".
- univariate
Logical; if TRUE conducts multiple univariate analyses on
different parameters separately, Default: FALSE
- padjust
Method of p.value adjustment for multiple comparisons
following p.adjust Default: "none".
- ...
Additional arguments that could be passed to univariate
- lower.tail
Logical; if TRUE probabilities are `P[X <= x]`,
otherwise, `P[X > x]`., Default: FALSE
- CI
confidence interval coverage for the chosen effect size takes value
from 0 to 1, Default: 0.95.
- digits
Number of significant digits, Default: 4