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performs a partial triadic analysis of a K-tables,
using an object of class ktab
pta(X, scannf = TRUE, nf = 2)
# S3 method for pta
plot(x, xax = 1, yax = 2, option = 1:4, …)
# S3 method for pta
print(x, …)
an object of class ktab
where the arrays have 1) the same dimensions 2) the same names for columns 3) the same column weightings
a logical value indicating whether the eigenvalues bar plot should be displayed
if scannf FALSE, an integer indicating the number of kept axes
an object of class 'pta'
the numbers of the x-axis and the y-axis
an integer between 1 and 4, otherwise the 4 components of the plot are displayed
further arguments passed to or from other methods
returns a list of class 'pta', sub-class of 'dudi' containing :
a matrix with the all RV coefficients
a numeric vector with the all eigenvalues (interstructure)
a data frame with the scores of the arrays
a vector of characters with the array names
an integer indicating the number of kept axes
an integer indicating the rank of the studied matrix
a numeric vector with the array weights
a numeric vector with the column weights
a numeric vector with the row weights
a numeric vector with the all eigenvalues (compromis)
a numeric vector with the
a data frame with the modified array
a data frame with the row coordinates
a data frame with the row normed scores
a data frame with the column coordinates
a data frame with the column normed scores
a data frame with the row coordinates (each table)
a data frame with the column coordinates (each table)
a data frame with the principal components (each table)
a data frame with the principal axes (each table)
a data frame with the factors for Tli
a data frame with the factors for Tco
a data frame with the factors for Tax and Tcomp
Blanc, L., Chessel, D. and Dol<U+00E9>dec, S. (1998) Etude de la stabilit<U+00E9> temporelle des structures spatiales par Analyse d'une s<U+00E9>rie de tableaux faunistiques totalement appari<U+00E9>s. Bulletin Fran<U+00E7>ais de la P<U+00EA>che et de la Pisciculture, 348, 1--21. Thioulouse, J., and D. Chessel. 1987. Les analyses multi-tableaux en <U+00E9>cologie factorielle. I De la typologie d'<U+00E9>tat <U+00E0> la typologie de fonctionnement par l'analyse triadique. Acta Oecologica, Oecologia Generalis, 8, 463--480.
wit1 <- withinpca(meaudret$env, meaudret$design$season, scan = FALSE, scal = "partial")
kta1 <- ktab.within(wit1, colnames = rep(c("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5"), 4))
kta2 <- t(kta1)
pta1 <- pta(kta2, scann = FALSE)
# }
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