# Active rows
actenv <- meau$env[meau$design$site != "S6", -c(5)]
actfac <- meau$design$season[meau$design$site != "S6"]
# Suplementary rows
supenv <- meau$env[meau$design$site == "S6", -c(5)]
supfac <- meau$design$season[meau$design$site == "S6"]
# Total = active + suplementary rows
totenv <- meau$env[, -c(5)]
totfac <- meau$design$season
# PTA with 6 sampling sites
wittot <- withinpca(df = totenv, fac = totfac, scannf = FALSE, scaling = "partial")
kta1tot <- ktab.within(wittot, colnames = rep(c("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6"), 4))
kta2tot <- t(kta1tot)
pta1tot <- pta(kta2tot, scann = FALSE)
# PTA with 5 sampling sites and site 6 added as supplementary element
wit1 <- withinpca(df = actenv, fac = actfac, scannf = FALSE, scaling = "partial")
kta1 <- ktab.within(wit1, colnames = rep(c("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5"), 4))
kta2 <- t(kta1)
pta1 <- pta(kta2, scann = FALSE)
supenv.pta <- suprow(x = pta1, Xsup = supenv, facSup = supfac)
if (adegraphicsLoaded()) {
# g1t = active + suplementary rows
g1t <- s.label(pta1tot$Tli, labels = rownames(totenv),
plabels = list(box = list(draw = FALSE), optim = TRUE), xlim = c(-6, 5), ylim = c(-5, 5),
psub = list(text="Total", position="topleft"), plot = FALSE)
# g1 = Active rows
g1 <- s.label(pta1$Tli, labels = rownames(actenv),
plabels = list(box = list(draw = FALSE), optim =TRUE), xlim = c(-6, 5), ylim = c(-5, 5),
psub = list(text="Active", position="topleft"), pgrid = list(text=list(cex = 0)),
plot = FALSE)
# g2 = Supplementary rows
g2 <- s.label(supenv.pta$lisup, plabels = list(box = list(draw = FALSE), optim = TRUE),
ppoints = list(col = "red"), psub = list(text="Supplementary", position="topright"),
pgrid = list(text=list(cex = 0)), plot = FALSE)
# g3 = superposition of active and suplementary rows
g3 <- g1 + g2
# Comparison of the total analysis and the analysis with supplementary rows
} else {
# g1t = active + suplementary rows
g1t <- s.label(pta1tot$Tli, label = rownames(totenv), xlim = c(-6, 5), ylim = c(-5, 5),
# g1 = Active rows
g1 <- s.label(pta1$Tli, label = rownames(actenv), clabel = 1, xlim = c(-6, 5),
ylim = c(-5, 5), sub="Active+Supplementary")
# g2 = Supplementary rows
g2 <- s.label(supenv.pta$lisup, clabel = 1.5, xlim = c(-6, 5), ylim = c(-5, 5),
add.plot = TRUE)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab