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This data set gives the toxicity of 7 molecules on 17 targets expressed in -log(mol/liter)
is a list of 3 components.
is a data frame with 7 columns and 17 rows
is a vector of the names of the species in the 17 targets
is a vector of the names of the 7 molecules
if(adegraphicsLoaded()) {
table.image(toxicity$tab, labelsy = toxicity$species, labelsx = toxicity$chemicals, nclass = 7,
ptable.margin = list(b = 5, l = 25, t = 25, r = 5), ptable.y.pos = "left", pgrid.draw = TRUE)
table.value(toxicity$tab, labelsy = toxicity$species, labelsx = toxicity$chemicals,
ptable.margin = list(b = 5, l = 5, t = 25, r = 26))
} else {
table.paint(toxicity$tab, row.lab = toxicity$species, col.lab = toxicity$chemicals)
table.value(toxicity$tab, row.lab = toxicity$species, col.lab = toxicity$chemicals)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab