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This data set gives for trappong nights informations about species and meteorological variables.
is a list of 3 components.
is a data frame with 49 rows (trapping nights) and 17 species.
is a data frame with 49 rows and 11 meteorological variables.
is a factor of 12 levels for the definition of the consecutive night groups
Usseglio-Polatera, P. and Auda, Y. (1987) Influence des facteurs m<U+00E9>t<U+00E9>orologiques sur les r<U+00E9>sultats de pi<U+00E9>geage lumineux. Annales de Limnologie, 23, 65--79. (code des esp<U+00E8>ces p. 76)
See a data description at (in French).
faulog <- log(trichometeo$fau + 1)
pca1 <- dudi.pca(trichometeo$meteo, scan = FALSE)
niche1 <- niche(pca1, faulog, scan = FALSE)
if(adegraphicsLoaded()) {
g1 <- s.distri(niche1$ls, faulog, plab.cex = 0.6, ellipseSize = 0, starSize = 0.3, plot = FALSE)
g2 <- s.arrow(7 * niche1$c1, plab.cex = 1, plot = FALSE)
G <- superpose(g1, g2, plot = TRUE)
} else {
s.label(niche1$ls, clab = 0)
s.distri(niche1$ls, faulog, clab = 0.6, add.p = TRUE, cell = 0, csta = 0.3)
s.arrow(7 * niche1$c1, clab = 1, add.p = TRUE)
# }
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