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This function represents n values on a circle. The n points are shared out regularly over the circle and put on the radius according to the value attributed to that measure.
dotcircle(z, alpha0 = pi/2, xlim = range(pretty(z)), labels = names(z), clabel = 1, cleg = 1)
: a numeric vector
: polar angle to put the first value
: the ranges to be encompassed by the circle radius
: a vector of strings of characters for the angle labels
: a character size for the labels, used with par("cex")*clabel
: a character size for the ranges, used with par("cex")*cleg
# NOT RUN { w <- scores.neig(neig(n.cir = 24)) par(mfrow = c(4,4)) for (k in 1:16) dotcircle(w[,k],labels = 1:24) par(mfrow = c(1,1)) # }
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