A list containing the following components is returned:
callthe matching call
tabYdata frame of dependent variables centered, eventually scaled (if scale=TRUE) and weighted (if option="uniform")
tabXdata frame of explanatory variables centered, eventually scaled (if scale=TRUE) and weighted (if option="uniform")
TL, TCdata frame useful to manage graphical outputs
nfnumeric value indicating the number of kept dimensions
lwnumeric vector of row weights
X.cwnumeric vector of column weighs for the explanalatory dataset
blovector of the numbers of variables in each explanatory dataset
rankmaximum rank of the analysis
eignumeric vector containing the eigenvalues
lXmatrix of the global components associated with the whole explanatory dataset (scores of the individuals)
lYmatrix of the components associated with the dependent dataset
Yc1matrix of the variable loadings associated with the dependent
cov2squared covariance between lY and TlX
Tc1matrix containing the partial loadings associated with each
explanatory dataset (unit norm)
TlXmatrix containing the partial components associated with each explanatory dataset
faXmatrix of the regression coefficients of the whole explanatory dataset onto the global components
XYcoeflist of matrices of the regression coefficients of the whole explanatory dataset onto the dependent dataset
bipblock importances for a given dimension
bipccumulated block importances for a given number of dimensions
vipvariable importances for a given dimension
vipccumulated variable importances for a given number of dimensions