mcoa returns a list of class 'mcoa' containing :
pseudoeiga numeric vector with the all pseudo eigenvalues
callthe call-up order
nfa numeric value indicating the number of kept axes
SynVara data frame with the synthetic scores
axisa data frame with the co-inertia axes
Tlia data frame with the co-inertia coordinates
Tl1a data frame with the co-inertia normed scores
Taxa data frame with the inertia axes onto co-inertia axis
Tcoa data frame with the column coordinates onto synthetic scores
TLa data frame with the factors for Tli Tl1
TCa data frame with the factors for Tco
T4a data frame with the factors for Tax
lambdaa data frame with the all eigenvalues (computed on the separate analyses)
cov2a numeric vector with the all pseudo eigenvalues (synthetic analysis)