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supdist: Projection of additional items in a PCO analysis


This function takes the grand distance matrix between all items (Active + Supplementary). It computes the PCO of the distance matrix between Active items, and projects the distance matrix of Supplementary items in this PCO.


supdist(d, fsup, tol = 1e-07)



Grand distance matrix between all (Active + Supplementary) items


A factor with two levels giving the Active (level `A') or Supplementary (level `S') status for each item in the distance matrix.


Numeric tolerance used to evaluate zero eigenvalues



Coordinates of Supplementary items projected in the PCO of Active items


Coordinates of Active item


Coordinates of Active plus Supplementary items


Computations based on the Methods section of the following paper: Pele J, Abdi H, Moreau M, Thybert D, Chabbert M (2011) Multidimensional Scaling Reveals the Main Evolutionary Pathways of Class A G-Protein-Coupled Receptors. PLoS ONE 6(4): e19094. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0019094

See Also

dudi.pco, suprow


Run this code
## Case 1: Supplementary items = subset of Active items
## Supplementary coordinates should be equal to Active coordinates
## PCO of active items (meau dataset has 6 sites and 10 variables)
envpca1 <- dudi.pca(meau$env, scannf = FALSE)
dAct <- dist(envpca1$tab)
pco1 <- dudi.pco(dAct, scannf = FALSE)
## Projection of rows 19:24 (winter season for the 6 sites)
## Supplementary items must be normalized
f1 <- function(w) (w - envpca1$cent) / envpca1$norm
envSup <- t(apply(meau$env[19:24, ], 1, f1))
envTot <- rbind.data.frame(envpca1$tab, envSup)
dTot <- dist(envTot)
fSA1 <- as.factor(rep(c("A", "S"), c(24, 6)))
cSup1 <- supdist(dTot, fSA1)
## Comparison (coordinates should be equal)
cSup1$coordSup[, 1:2]
pco1$li[19:24, ]

## Case 2: Supplementary items = new items
## PCO of active items (meaudret dataset has only 5 sites and 9 variables)
envpca2 <- dudi.pca(meaudret$env, scannf = FALSE)
dAct <- dist(envpca2$tab)
pco2 <- dudi.pco(dAct, scannf = FALSE)
## Projection of site 6 (four seasons, without Oxyg variable)
## Supplementary items must be normalized
f1 <- function(w) (w - envpca2$cent) / envpca2$norm
envSup <- t(apply(meau$env[seq(6, 24, 6), -5], 1, f1))
envTot <- rbind.data.frame(envpca2$tab, envSup)
dTot <- dist(envTot)
fSA2 <- as.factor(rep(c("A", "S"), c(20, 4)))
cSup2 <- supdist(dTot, fSA2)
## Supplementary items vs. real items
if(!adegraphicsLoaded()) {
 par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
 s.label(rbind.data.frame(pco2$li, cSup2$coordSup[, 1:2]))
} else {
 gl1 <- s.label(pco1$li, plabels.optim = TRUE)
 gl2 <- s.label(rbind.data.frame(pco2$li, cSup2$coordSup[, 1:2]),
  plabels.optim = TRUE)
 ADEgS(list(gl1, gl2))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab