par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
w <- euro123[[2]]
dudi1 <- dudi.pca(w, scal = FALSE, scan = FALSE)
if(adegraphicsLoaded()) {
g11 <- s.arrow(dudi1$c1, psub.text = "Classical", psub.posi = "bottomright", plot = FALSE)
g12 <- s.label(suprow(dudi1, w)$tabsup, plab.cex = 0.75, plot = FALSE)
g1 <- superpose(g11, g12)
g21 <- s.arrow(dudi1$c1, psub.text = "Without centring", psub.posi = "bottomright", plot = FALSE)
g22 <- s.label(suprow(dudi1, w)$tabsup, plab.cex = 0.75, plot = FALSE)
g2 <- superpose(g21, g22)
g3 <- triangle.label(w, plab.cex = 0.75, label = row.names(w), adjust = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
g4 <- triangle.label(w, plab.cex = 0.75, label = row.names(w), adjust = TRUE, plot = FALSE)
G <- ADEgS(list(g1, g2, g3, g4), layout = c(2, 2))
} else {
s.arrow(dudi1$c1, sub = "Classical", possub = "bottomright", csub = 2.5)
s.label(suprow(dudi1, w), add.plot = TRUE, clab = 0.75)
s.arrow(dudi1$c1, sub = "Without centring", possub = "bottomright", csub = 2.5)
s.label(suprow(dudi1, w), clab = 0.75, add.plot = TRUE)
triangle.plot(w, clab = 0.75, label = row.names(w), scal = FALSE)
triangle.plot(w, clab = 0.75, label = row.names(w), scal = TRUE)
rpjdl.coa <- dudi.coa(rpjdl$fau, scann = FALSE, nf = 4)
rpjdl.coa$li[1:3, ]
suprow(rpjdl.coa,rpjdl$fau[1:3, ])$lisup #the same
deug.dudi <- dudi.pca(df = deug$tab, center = deug$cent, scale = FALSE, scannf = FALSE)
suprow(deug.dudi, deug$tab[1:3, ])$lisup #the supplementary individuals are centered
deug.dudi$li[1:3, ] # the same
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab