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ade4 (version 1.7-8)

worksurv: French Worker Survey (1970)


The worksurv data frame gives 319 response items and 4 questions providing from a French Worker Survey.





This data frame contains the following columns:

  1. pro: Professional elections. In professional elections in your firm, would you rather vote for a list supported by?

    • CGT

    • CFDT

    • FO

    • CFTC

    • Auton Autonomous

    • Abst

    • Nonaffi Not affiliated

    • NR No response

  2. una: Union affiliation. At the present time, are you affiliated to a Union, and in the affirmative, which one?

    • CGT

    • CFDT

    • FO

    • CFTC

    • Auton Autonomous

    • CGC

    • Notaffi Not affiliated

    • NR No response

  3. pre: Presidential election. On the last presidential election (1969), can you tell me the candidate for whom you havevoted?

    • Duclos

    • Deferre

    • Krivine

    • Rocard

    • Poher

    • Ducatel

    • Pompidou

    • NRAbs No response, abstention

  4. pol: political sympathy. Which political party do you feel closest to, as a rule?

    • Communist (PCF)

    • Socialist (SFIO+PSU+FGDS)

    • Left (Party of workers,…)

    • Center MRP+RAD.

    • RI

    • Right INDEP.+CNI

    • Gaullist UNR

    • NR No response


The data frame worksurv has the attribute 'counts' giving the number of responses for each item.


Le Roux, B. and Rouanet, H. (1997) Interpreting axes in multiple correspondence analysis: method of the contributions of points and deviation. Pages 197-220 in B. J. and M. Greenacre, editors. Visualization of categorical data, Acamedic Press, London.


Run this code
acm1 <- dudi.acm(worksurv, row.w = attr(worksurv, "counts"), scan = FALSE)

if(adegraphicsLoaded()) {
  s.class(acm1$li, worksurv)
} else {
  par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
  apply(worksurv, 2, function(x) s.class(acm1$li, factor(x), attr(worksurv, 'counts')))
  par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab