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Plot an interactive scatter plot for association rules using plotly.
This function is deprecated. Use plot
with parameter
engine = "plotly"
plotly_arules(x, method = "scatterplot", measure = c("support", "confidence"),
shading = "lift", max = 1000, ...)
an object of class "rules".
currently the methods "scatterplot", "two-key plot" and "matrix" are supported.
measure(s) of interestingness (e.g., "support", "confidence", "lift", "order") used in the visualization as x and y-axis.
measure of interestingness used for color shading.
client side processing in plotly is expensive. We restrict the number of rules to the max best rules (according to the measure used for shading.)
The following additional arguments can be used: colors
to specify a color palette, precision
to specify the precision used for printing quality measures,
to reduce overplotting in scatterplots
(defaults to .1 if overplotting would occur), and marker
a list of markter attributes (e.g., size, symbol and opacity).
The plotly object (plotly_hash) which can be saved as a htmlwidget.
rules <- apriori(Groceries, parameter=list(support=0.001, confidence=0.8))
# interactive scatter plot visualization
plotly_arules(rules, measure = c("support", "lift"), shading = "confidence")
plotly_arules(rules, method = "two-key plot")
# add jitter, change color and markers and add a title
plotly_arules(rules, jitter = 10,
marker = list(opacity = .7, size = 10, symbol = 1),
colors = c("blue", "green")) <!-- %>% layout(title = "Some Grocery Rules") -->
# save a plot as a html page
p <- plotly_arules(rules)
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p, "arules.html", selfcontained = FALSE)
# Note: selfcontained seems to make the browser slow.
# interactive matrix visualization
plotly_arules(rules, method = "matrix") <!-- %>% layout(title = "Reordered Matrix") -->
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab