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asbio (version 0.3-3)

Shep.comp: Shepard plot type comparisons for PCoA


Calculates raw $R^2$, Linear fit $R^2$ and non-metric $R^2$ for PCoA ordinations.


Shep.comp(dis, max.dim = 10)


A dissimilarity matrix. Any index from get.dist can be used.
The maximum number of cmdscale dimensions for which correlations should be calculated.


  • Returns a matrix with three columns containing $R^2$ for raw, linear, and non-metric $R^2$'s. } references{ Oksanen, J. (2008) emph{Multivariate analysis of ecological communities in R: vegan tutorial}. url{http://cc.oulu.fi/~jarioksa/opetus/metodi/vegantutor.pdf} } author{Ken Aho} seealso{code{get.dist}, code{cmdscale}} examples{ data(varespec) d<-get.dist(varespec,"steinhaus") Shep.comp(d,max.dim=10)} keyword{multivariate}


The function Shep.comp in asbio creates calculates three sorts correlations coefficients across all specified PCoA dimensionalities. 1) Pearson's correlations of observed distances (in the distance matrix) and fitted distances (in a PCoA ordination); i.e. "raw fits." 2) Pearson's correlations between the monotonic fitted line and the observed distances "linear fits". 3) A correlation based on stress and calculated as 1 - $S^2$ (Oksanen 2008), where: $$S = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i \neq j}{\hat{d}_{ij}-d_{ij}^2}}{\sum_{i \neq j}{d_{ij}}^2,}}$$

where $\hat{d}_{ij}$ is the distance between rank order of distance between point i and j in the final configuration (i.e. the fitted monotonic stressplot line), and $d_{ij}$ is the distance between point i and j in the original distance matrix. The first type of correlation "raw fits" should probably not be used since the relationship between community dissimilarity and a configuration may be strong while being non-linear. The second correlation should be linear even if the relationship between observed dissimilarity and dissimilarities in the final configuration are non-linear, and is often referred to as the linear fit (Oksanen 2008). The final type of correlation has been called "non-metric" fit (Oksanen 2008).