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modlevenes.test: Modified Levene's test


Conducts the modified Levene's test for homoscedastic populations.


modlevenes.test(x, groups)


Vector of residuals from a linear model.
Vector of factor levels.


  • An ANOVA table is returned with the modified Levene's test results. } references{ Kutner, M. H., Nachtsheim, C. J., Neter, J., and W. Li. (2005) emph{Applied linear statistical models, 5th edition}. McGraw-Hill, Boston.} author{Ken Aho} seealso{code{fligner.test}} examples{ eggs<-c(11,17,16,14,15,12,10,15,19,11,23,20,18,17,27,33,22,26,28) trt<-as.factor(c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4)) lm1<-lm(eggs~trt) modlevenes.test(residuals(lm1),trt) } keyword{univar} keyword{htest}


The modified Levene's test is a test for homoscedsticity that (unlike the classic F-test) is robust to violations of normality (Conover et al. 1981). In a Modified Levene's test we calculate $d_{ij}=|e_{ij} - \tilde{e}_{i}|$ where $\tilde{e}_i$ is the ith factor level residual median. We then run an ANOVA on the $d_{ij}$'s. If the p-value is < $\alpha$, we reject the null and conclude that the population error variances are not equal.