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ashr (version 2.2-63)

mixVBEM: Estimate posterior distribution on mixture proportions of a mixture model by a Variational Bayes EM algorithm


Given the individual component likelihoods for a mixture model, estimates the posterior on the mixture proportions by an VBEM algorithm. Used by the ash main function; there is no need for a user to call this function separately, but it is exported for convenience.


mixVBEM(matrix_lik, prior, pi_init = NULL, control = list())


A list, whose components include point estimates (pihat), the parameters of the fitted posterior on \(\pi\) (pipost), the bound on the log likelihood for each iteration (B) and a flag to indicate convergence (converged).



a n by k matrix with (j,k)th element equal to \(f_k(x_j)\).


a k vector of the parameters of the Dirichlet prior on \(\pi\). Recommended to be rep(1,k)


the initial value of the posterior parameters. If not specified defaults to the prior parameters.


A list of control parameters for the SQUAREM algorithm, default value is set to be control.default=list(K = 1, method=3, square=TRUE, step.min0=1, step.max0=1, mstep=4, kr=1, objfn.inc=1,tol=1.e-07, maxiter=5000, trace=FALSE).


Fits a k component mixture model $$f(x|\pi) = \sum_k \pi_k f_k(x)$$ to independent and identically distributed data \(x_1,\dots,x_n\). Estimates posterior on mixture proportions \(\pi\) by Variational Bayes, with a Dirichlet prior on \(\pi\). Algorithm adapted from Bishop (2009), Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Chapter 10.