Overview of the structure learning algorithms implemented in bnlearn, with the respective reference publications.
PC (pc.stable
), a modern implementation of the
first practical constraint-based structure learning algorithm.
Colombo D, Maathuis MH (2014). "Order-Independent Constraint-Based Causal Structure Learning". Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15:3921--3962.
Grow-Shrink (gs
): based on the Grow-Shrink
Markov Blanket, the first (and simplest) Markov blanket detection
algorithm used in a structure learning algorithm.
Margaritis D (2003). Learning Bayesian Network Model Structure from Data. Ph.D. thesis, School of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Incremental Association (iamb
): based on the
Markov blanket detection algorithm of the same name, which is based on
a two-phase selection scheme (a forward selection followed by an attempt
to remove false positives).
Tsamardinos I, Aliferis CF, Statnikov A (2003). "Algorithms for Large Scale Markov Blanket Discovery". Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 376--381.
Fast Incremental Association (fast.iamb
): a
variant of IAMB which uses speculative stepwise forward selection to
reduce the number of conditional independence tests.
Interleaved Incremental Association (inter.iamb
another variant of IAMB which uses forward stepwise selection to avoid
false positives in the Markov blanket detection phase.
Yaramakala S, Margaritis D (2005). "Speculative Markov Blanket Discovery for Optimal Feature Selection". Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 809--812.
Incremental Association with FDR (iamb.fdr
): a
variant of IAMB which adjusts the tests significance threshold with FDR.
Pena JM (2008). "Learning Gaussian Graphical Models of Gene Networks with False Discovery Rate Control". Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics, 165--176.
Gasse M, Aussem A, Elghazel H (2014). "A Hybrid Algorithm for Bayesian Network Structure Learning with Application to Multi-Label Learning". Expert Systems with Applications, 41(15):6755--6772.
bnlearn includes two implementations of each algorithm: a vanilla
implementation, and a parallel one that requires a running cluster set
up with the makeCluster
function from the parallel package.
Hill-Climbing (hc
): a hill climbing
greedy search that explores the space of the directed acyclic graphs by
single-arc addition, removal and reversals; with random restarts to avoid
local optima. The optimized implementation uses score caching, score
decomposability and score equivalence to reduce the number of duplicated
Tabu Search (tabu
): a modified hill-climbing
able to escape local optima by selecting a network that minimally
decreases the score function.
Russell SJ, Norvig P (2009). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Prentice Hall, 3rd edition.
Max-Min Hill-Climbing (mmhc
): a hybrid algorithm
which combines the Max-Min Parents and Children algorithm (to restrict the
search space) and the Hill-Climbing algorithm (to find the optimal network
structure in the restricted space).
Tsamardinos I, Brown LE, Aliferis CF (2006). "The Max-Min Hill-Climbing Bayesian Network Structure Learning Algorithm". Machine Learning, 65(1):31--78.
Restricted Maximization (rsmax2
): a general
implementation of the Sparse Candidate algorithms, which can use any
combination of constraint-based and score-based algorithms.
Friedman N, Nachman I, Pe'er D (1999). "Learning Bayesian Network Structure from Massive Datasets: the Sparse Candidate Algorithm." Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 206--215.
Hybrid HPC (h2pc
): a hybrid algorithm combining
HPC and hill-climbing.
Gasse M, Aussem A, Elghazel H (2014). "A Hybrid Algorithm for Bayesian Network Structure Learning with Application to Multi-Label Learning". Expert Systems with Applications, 41(15):6755--6772.
These algorithms learn the structure of the undirected graph underlying the Bayesian network, which is known as the skeleton of the network. Therefore by default all arcs are undirected, and no attempt is made to detect their orientation. They are often used in hybrid learning algorithms.
Max-Min Parents and Children (mmpc
): a forward
selection technique for neighbourhood detection based on the maximization
of the minimum association measure observed with any subset of the nodes
selected in the previous iterations.
Tsamardinos I, Aliferis CF, Statnikov A (2003). "Time and Sample Efficient Discovery of Markov Blankets and Direct Causal Relations". Proceedings of the Ninth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 673--678.
Hiton Parents and Children (si.hiton.pc
): a fast
forward selection technique for neighbourhood detection designed to
exclude nodes early based on the marginal association. The implementation
follows the Semi-Interleaved variant of the algorithm.
Aliferis FC, Statnikov A, Tsamardinos I, Subramani M, Koutsoukos XD (2010). "Local Causal and Markov Blanket Induction for Causal Discovery and Feature Selection for Classification Part I: Algorithms and Empirical Evaluation". Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11:171--234.
Hybrid Parents and Children (hpc
): an algorithm
building on iamb.fdr
to learn the parents and children of each node
like mmpc
and si.hiton.pc
. The reference publication is the
same as that for Hybrid HPC.
These algorithms learn approximate network structures using only pairwise mutual information.
Chow-Liu (chow.liu
): an application of the
minimum-weight spanning tree and the information inequality. It learns
the tree structure closest to the true one in the probability space.
Chow CK, Liu CN (1968). "Approximating Discrete Probability Distributions with Dependence Trees", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-14 3:462--467.
ARACNE (aracne
): an improved version of the
Chow-Liu algorithm that is able to learn polytrees.
Margolin AA, Nemenman I, Basso K, Wiggins C, Stolovitzky G, Dalla Favera R, Califano A (2006). "ARACNE: An Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Gene Regulatory Networks in a Mammalian Cellular Context". BMC Bioinformatics, 7(Suppl 1):S7.
All these algorithms have two implementations (vanilla and parallel) like other constraint-based algorithms.