Robustness parameter. The higher the value, the more samples
are required to have a CNV that confirms the CNV region. Setting this
parameter to 0 restores the original CNV regions.
The minimum length measured in genomic regions a CNV region
has to span in order to be called. A parameter of the segmentation algorithm.
Additional parameters passed to the segmentation algorithm.
makeRobustCNVR returns a "CNVDetectionResult"
object containing new values in the slot "cnvr".
This generic function calculates robust CNV regions by
segmenting the I/NI call per genomic region
of an object CNVDetectionResult-class.
cn.mops usually reports a CNV region if at least one individual
has a CNV in this region. For some applications it is useful to find more
common CNV regions, i.e., regions in which more than one sample has a CNV.
The I/NI call measures both signal strength and how many sample show an
abnormal copy number, therefore segmentation of the I/NI call can provide
robust CNV regions.