- x
Output from ctKalman
. In general it is easier to call
directly with the plot=TRUE
argument, which calls this function.
- subjects
vector of integers denoting which subjects (from 1 to N) to plot predictions for.
- kalmanvec
string vector of names of any elements of the output you wish to plot,
the defaults of 'y' and 'ysmooth' plot the original data, 'y',
and the estimates of the 'true' value of y given all data. Replacing 'y' by 'eta' will
plot latent states instead (though 'eta' alone does not exist) and replacing 'smooth'
with 'upd' or 'prior' respectively plots updated (conditional on all data up to current time point)
or prior (conditional on all previous data) estimates.
- errorvec
vector of names indicating which kalmanvec elements to plot uncertainty bands for.
'auto' plots all possible.
- errormultiply
Numeric denoting the multiplication factor of the std deviation of errorvec objects.
Defaults to 1.96, for 95% intervals.
- plot
if FALSE, plots are not generated and the ggplot object is simply returned invisibly.
- elementNames
if NA, all relevant object elements are included -- e.g. if yprior is in the kalmanvec
argument, all manifest variables are plotted, and likewise for latent states if etasmooth was specified.
Alternatively, a character vector specifying the manifest and latent names to plot explicitly can be specified.
- polygonsteps
Number of steps to use for uncertainty band shading.
- polygonalpha
Numeric for the opacity of the uncertainty region.
- facets
when multiple subjects are included in multivariate plots, the default is to facet plots
by variable type. This can be set to NA for no facets, or "Subject" for facetting by subject.
- ...
not used.