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ctsem (version 3.10.2)

plot.ctStanFit: plot.ctStanFit


Plots for ctStanFit objects


# S3 method for ctStanFit
plot(x, types = "all", wait = TRUE, ...)


Nothing. Generates plots.



Fit object from ctStanFit.


Vector of character strings defining which plots to create. 'all' plots all possible types, including: 'regression', 'kalman', 'priorcheck', 'trace', 'density','intervals'.


Logical. Pause between plots?


Arguments to pass through to the specific plot functions. Bewar of clashes may occur if types='all'. For details see the specific functions generating each type of plot.


This function is just a wrapper calling the necessary functions for plotting - it may be simpler in many cases to access those directly. They are: ctStanDiscretePars,ctKalman, ctStanPlotPost,stan_trace, stan_dens,stan_plot rstan offers many plotting possibilities not available here, to use that functionality one must simply call the relevant rstan plotting function. Use x$stanfit as the stan fit object (where x is the name of your ctStanFit object). Because a ctStanFit object has many parameters, the additional argument pars=ctStanParnames(x,'pop_') is recommended. This denotes population means, but see ctStanParnames for other options.


Run this code
# \donttest{
plot(ctstantestfit,types=c('regression','kalman','priorcheck'), wait=FALSE)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab