## =======================================================================
## The Aphid model from Soetaert and Herman, 2009.
## A practical guide to ecological modelling.
## Using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
## =======================================================================
## 1-D diffusion model
## ================
## Model equations
## ================
Aphid <- function(t, APHIDS, parameters) {
deltax <- c (0.5, rep(1, numboxes-1), 0.5)
Flux <- -D*diff(c(0, APHIDS, 0))/deltax
dAPHIDS <- -diff(Flux)/delx + APHIDS*r
list(dAPHIDS) # the output
## ==================
## Model application
## ==================
## the model parameters:
D <- 0.3 # m2/day diffusion rate
r <- 0.01 # /day net growth rate
delx <- 1 # m thickness of boxes
numboxes <- 60
## distance of boxes on plant, m, 1 m intervals
Distance <- seq(from = 0.5, by = delx, length.out = numboxes)
## Initial conditions, ind/m2
## aphids present only on two central boxes
APHIDS <- rep(0, times = numboxes)
APHIDS[30:31] <- 1
state <- c(APHIDS = APHIDS) # initialise state variables
## RUNNING the model:
times <- seq(0, 200, by = 1) # output wanted at these time intervals
out <- ode.band(state, times, Aphid, parms = 0,
nspec = 1, names = "Aphid")
## ================
## Plotting output
## ================
image(out, grid = Distance, method = "filled.contour",
xlab = "time, days", ylab = "Distance on plant, m",
main = "Aphid density on a row of plants")
matplot.1D(out, grid = Distance, type = "l",
subset = time %in% seq(0, 200, by = 10))
# add an observed dataset to 1-D plot (make sure to use correct name):
data <- cbind(dist = c(0,10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60),
Aphid = c(0,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.25,0.1,0))
matplot.1D(out, grid = Distance, type = "l",
subset = time %in% seq(0, 200, by = 10),
obs = data, obspar = list(pch = 18, cex = 2, col="red"))
# }
plot.1D(out, grid = Distance, type = "l")
# }
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