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new-param: Tools for creating new parameter objects


These functions are used to construct new parameter objects. Generally, these functions are called from higher level parameter generating functions like mtry().


  type = c("double", "integer"),
  range = NULL,
  inclusive = NULL,
  default = deprecated(),
  trans = NULL,
  values = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  finalize = NULL,
  call = caller_env()

new_qual_param( type = c("character", "logical"), values, default = deprecated(), label = NULL, finalize = NULL, ..., call = caller_env() )


An object of class "param" with the primary class being either "quant_param" or "qual_param". The range element of the object is always converted to a list with elements "lower" and "upper".



A single character value. For quantitative parameters, valid choices are "double" and "integer" while for qualitative factors they are "character" and "logical".


A two-element vector with the smallest or largest possible values, respectively. If these cannot be set when the parameter is defined, the unknown() function can be used. If a transformation is specified, these values should be in the transformed units. If values is supplied, and range is NULL, range will be set to range(values).


A two-element logical vector for whether the range values should be inclusive or exclusive. If values is supplied, and inclusive is NULL, inclusive will be set to c(TRUE, TRUE).


[Deprecated] No longer used. If a value is supplied, it will be ignored and a warning will be thrown.


A trans object from the scales package, such as scales::transform_log() or scales::transform_reciprocal(). Create custom transforms with scales::new_transform().


A vector of possible values that is required when type is "character" or "logical" but optional otherwise. For quantitative parameters, this can be used as an alternative to range and inclusive. If set, these will be used by value_seq() and value_sample().


An optional named character string that can be used for printing and plotting. The name should match the object name (e.g. "mtry", "neighbors", etc.)


A function that can be used to set the data-specific values of a parameter (such as the range).


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call passed on to rlang::abort().


Run this code
# Create a function that generates a quantitative parameter
# corresponding to the number of subgroups.
num_subgroups <- function(range = c(1L, 20L), trans = NULL) {
    type = "integer",
    range = range,
    inclusive = c(TRUE, TRUE),
    trans = trans,
    label = c(num_subgroups = "# Subgroups"),
    finalize = NULL


num_subgroups(range = c(3L, 5L))

# Custom parameters instantly have access
# to sequence generating functions
value_seq(num_subgroups(), 5)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab