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mcmc.target.seq: Find MCMC Target Sequence


mcmc.target.seq uses MCMC to find a configuration of DNA positions to get as close as possible to a given tree.

boot.samples.idxs bootstraps over indices into a DNA matrix.

lookup.samples goes from an index representation of a configuration of DNA to the actual DNAbin format.

convert.table.to.idx converts a table of counts for positions 1..n into a list of indices corresponding to positions (i.e. goes from the tabled form to a vector whose tabling matches the input).


mcmc.target.seq(data, x, F, n)

boot.samples.idxs(data, B = 100, block = 1)

lookup.samples(data, idxs)



mcmc.target.seq returns a list of 4 elements: a numeric vector of counts of each position in the original matrix, the best estimated tree, the best distance from the estimated tree to the target tree, and a numeric vector of the distances for every iteration of the simulation.

boot.samples.idxs returns a numeric vector representing the bootstrapped idices.

lookup.samples returns a list of objects of class DNAbin corresponding to the DNA sequences generated from indices into the original DNA matrix.

convert.table.to.idx returns a numeric vector of indices based on the table counts.



A DNA matrix in DNAbin format.


A tree of class 'phylo' to estimate.


A tree estimation function, accepting a DNA matrix in DNAbin format and returning a tree of class 'phylo.'


The number of MCMC iterations to perform.


The number of bootstrap replicates.


The block size to use during bootstrapping.


A list of numeric vectors of indices to use for lookup.


A table or table-like vector to convert.


John Chakerian


mcmc.target.seq performs an MCMC with simulated annealing to locate a configuration of DNA positions from the original matrix that gets as close as possible to a target tree. Propositions for the MCMC replacing one character with another uniformly at random.

The remaining functions are intended to be used as support functions.


Chakerian, J. and Holmes, S. P. Computational Tools for Evaluating Phylogenetic and Heirarchical Clustering Trees. arXiv:1006.1015v1.

See Also

dist.multiPhylo, orthant.boundary.tree


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
## This example has been excluded from checks:
## copy/paste the code to try it

otree <- root(fastme.ols(dist.dna(woodmouse)), "No305", resolve.root=TRUE)
breps <- 200

trees <- boot.phylo(otree, woodmouse, B=breps, function(x)
        root(fastme.ols(dist.dna(x)), "No305", resolve.root=TRUE),
        trees = TRUE)

combined.trees <- c(list(otree), trees$trees)

binning <- bin.multiPhylo(combined.trees)

tree.a <- combined.trees[[match(1, binning)]]
i <- 2
max.bin <- max(binning)
tree.b <- combined.trees[[match(2, binning)]]

while(length(distinct.edges(tree.a,tree.b)) > 1 && i < max.bin)
    i = i + 1
    tree.b = combined.trees[[match(i, binning)]]

bdy.tree <- orthant.boundary.tree(tree.a, tree.b)

f.est <- function(x) root(nj(dist.dna(x)), "No305", resolve.root=TRUE)

res <- mcmc.target.seq(woodmouse, bdy.tree, f.est, 1000)


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab