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dlnm (version 2.3.9)

chicagoNMMAPS: Daily Mortality Weather and Pollution Data for Chicago


The data set contains daily mortality (all causes, CVD, respiratory), weather (temperature, dew point temperature, relative humidity) and pollution data (PM10 and ozone) for Chicago in the period 1987-2000 from the National Morbidity, Mortality and Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS)





A data frame with 5114 observations on the following 14 variables.

  • date: Date in the period 1987-2000.

  • time: The sequence of observations

  • year: Year

  • month: Month (numeric)

  • doy: Day of the year

  • dow: Day of the week (factor)

  • death: Counts of all cause mortality excluding accident

  • cvd: Cardiovascular Deaths

  • resp: Respiratory Deaths

  • temp: Mean temperature (in Celsius degrees)

  • dptp: Dew point temperature

  • rhum: Mean relative humidity

  • pm10: PM10

  • o3: Ozone


These data represents a subsample of the variables included in the NMMAPS dataset for Chicago.

The variable temp is derived from the original tmpd after a transformation from Fahrenheit to Celsius. The variables pm10 and o3 are an approximated reconstruction of the original series, adding the de-trended values and the median of the long term trend. This is the reason they include negative values.

See Also

nested for an example of analysing exposure-lag-response associations in a nested case-control study. drug for an example of analysing exposure-lag-response associations in a randomized controlled trial.

The application of DLNMs to this data with more detailed examples are given in vignette dlnmExtended.

See dlnm-package for an introduction to the package and for links to package vignettes providing more detailed information.