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dynamicGraph (version

wDG: DEPRECATED: Interface to dynamicGraph


A wrapper to dynamicGraphMain for adding models and views, represented by a simple dynamic graph, to an existing dynamicGraph.

( The function was a part of the deprecated interface function DynamicGraph: Use the method dg on object of dg.simple.graph-class in stead. )

The wrapper is depricated: use the methods dg, addModel, addView, replaceModel, or replaceView.


wDG(sdg = NULL, object = NULL, frameModels = NULL, frameViews = NULL, graphWindow = NULL, dg = NULL, addModel = FALSE, addView = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, returnNewMaster = FALSE, redraw = FALSE, control = dg.control(...), ...)


Object of class dg.simple.graph-class
The model object, or NULL, see dg.Model-class.
An object of class DynamicGraph-class. frameModels is the object for a dataset (defining vertics and blocks) and the models on that dataset.
An object of class DynamicGraphModel-class. frameViews is the object for a model and the views of that model.
An object of class DynamicGraphView-class. graphWindow is the object for a view of a model.
An optional object of class dg.graphedges-class. If this agrument is given then edges and factors are extracted from the argument. Similar with an optional argument Arguments.
Logical, if addModel then a model is added to the argument frameModels, and a view of the model is drawn. If the argument overwrite is TRUE and the argument graphWindow is given then the model of graphWindow is replaced by the model argument object. If the argument overwrite is TRUE and the argument frameViews is given then the model of frame\-Views is replaced by the model argument object.
Logical, if addView then a view of type set by the argument viewType for the model of the argument frameViews is added.
Logical, see the argument addModel. The argument returnLink must be set to TRUE to overwrite a view.
Logical. If TRUE then the dynamicGraph of the arguments frameModels is 'redrawn'. New instances of the windows are made.
Logical. Alternative implementation of addModel, using the code of redraw. As redraw, but the windows of frameModels exists, and a new model is added.
Options for DynamicGraph and dynamicGraphMain, see dg.control.
Additional arguments to dynamicGraphMain.


The returned value from dynamicGraphMain.


Run this code
require(tcltk); require(dynamicGraph)

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