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eplusr (version 0.9.4)

ParametricJob: Create and Run Parametric Analysis, and Collect Results


ParametricJob class provides a prototype of conducting parametric analysis of EnergyPlus simulations.



param <- param_job(idf, epw)
param$apply_measure(measure, ..., .names = NULL)
param$run(dir = NULL, wait = TRUE)
param$errors(info = FALSE)
param$output_dir(which = NULL)
param$locate_output(which = NULL, suffix = ".err", strict = TRUE)
param$report_data_dict(which = NULL)
param$report_data(which = NULL, key_value = NULL, name = NULL, year = NULL, tz = "GMT", case = "auto")
param$tabular_data(which = NULL)
job$clone(deep = FALSE)


param <- param_job(idf, epw)


  • idf: Path to EnergyPlus IDF file or an Idf object.

  • epw: Path to EnergyPlus EPW file or an Epw object.

Get Seed Model and Weather


$seed() will return the input Idf object.

$weather() will return the input Epw object.

Apply Design Alternatives

param$apply_measure(measure, ..., .names = NULL)

$apply_measure() allows to apply a measure to an Idf and creates parametric models for analysis. Basically, a measure is just a function that takes an Idf object and other arguments as input, and returns a modified Idf object as output. Use ... to supply different arguments to that measure. Under the hook, mapply() is used to create multiple Idfs according to the input values.


  • measure: A function that takes an Idf and other arguments as input and returns an Idf object as output.

  • ...: Other arguments passed to that measure.

  • .names: A character vector of the names of parametric Idfs. If NULL, the new Idfs will be named in format measure_name + number.

Run and Collect Results

param$run(dir = NULL, wait = TRUE)
param$errors(info = FALSE)
param$output_dir(which = NULL)
param$locate_output(which = NULL, suffix = ".err", strict = TRUE)
param$report_data_dict(which = NULL)
param$report_data(which = NULL, key_value = NULL, name = NULL, year = NULL, tz = "GMT", case = "auto")
param$tabular_data(which = NULL)

All those functions have the same meaning as in EplusJob class, except that they only return the results of specified simulations. Most arguments have the same meanings as in EplusJob class.

$run() runs the all parametric simulations in parallel. The number of parallel EnergyPlus process can be controlled by eplusr_option("num_parallel"). If wait is FALSE, then the job will be run in the background. You can get updated job status by just print the ParametricJob object.

$kill() kills the all background EnergyPlus processes that are current running if possible. It only works when simulation runs in non-waiting mode.

$status() returns a named list of values indicates the status of the job:

  • run_before: TRUE if the job has been run before. FALSE otherwise.

  • alive: TRUE if the job is still running in the background. FALSE otherwise.

  • terminated: TRUE if the job was terminated during last simulation. FALSE otherwise. NA if the job has not been run yet.

  • successful: TRUE if last simulation ended successfully. FALSE otherwise. NA if the job has not been run yet.

  • changed_after: TRUE if the seed model has been modified since last simulation. FALSE otherwise.

$output_dir() returns the output directory of specified simulations.

$locate_output() returns the path of a single output file of specified simulations.

$report_data_dict() returns a data.table which contains all information about report data for specified simulations. For details on the meaning of each columns, please see " ReportDataDictionary Table" in EnergyPlus "Output Details and Examples" documentation.

$report_data() extracts the report data in a data.table using key values and variable names.

$tabular_data() extracts all tabular data in a data.table.

For $report_data_dict(), $report_data() and $tabular_data(), the returned data.table has a Case column in the returned data.table that indicates the names of parametric models.


  • which: An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, which is the default, results of all parametric simulations are returned.

  • dir: The parent output directory for all simulation. Outputs of each simulation are placed in a separate folder under the parent directory.

  • wait: If TRUE, R will hang on and wait all EnergyPlus simulations finish. If FALSE, all EnergyPlus simulations are run in the background. Default: TRUE.

  • suffix: A string that indicates the file suffix of simulation output. Default: ".err".

  • strict: If TRUE, it will check if the simulation was terminated, is still running or the file exists or not. Default: TRUE.

  • key_value: A character vector to identify key name of the data. If NULL, all keys of that variable will be returned. Default: NULL.

  • name: A character vector to specify the actual data name. If NULL, all variables will be returned. Default: NULL.

  • year: The year of the date and time in column DateTime. If NULL, it will be the current year. Default: NULL

  • tz: Time zone of date and time in column DateTime. Default: "GMT".


job$clone(deep = FALSE)

$clone() copies and returns the cloned job. Because ParametricJob uses R6Class under the hook which has "modify-in-place" semantics, job_2 <- job_1 does not copy job_1 at all but only create a new binding to job_1. Modify job_1 will also affect job_2 as well, as these two are exactly the same thing underneath. In order to create a complete cloned copy, please use $clone(deep = TRUE).


  • deep: Has to be TRUE if a complete cloned copy is desired.



$print() shows the core information of this ParametricJob, including the path of seed model and weather, the version and path of EnergyPlus used to run simulations, the measured that has been applied and parametric models generated, and the simulation job status.

$print() is quite useful to get the simulation status, especially when wait is FALSE in $run(). The job status will be updated and printed whenever $print() is called.


Basically, it is a collection of multiple EplusJob objects. However, the model is first parsed and the Idf object is stored internally, instead of storing only the path of Idf in EplusJob class. Also, an object in Output:SQLite with Option Type value of SimpleAndTabular will be automatically created if it does not exists like Idf class.


Run this code
if (is_avail_eplus(8.8)) {
    idf_name <- "1ZoneUncontrolled.idf"
    epw_name <-  "USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw"

    idf_path <- file.path(eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "ExampleFiles", idf_name)
    epw_path <- file.path(eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "WeatherData", epw_name)

    # create from local files
    param_job(idf_path, epw_path)

    # create from an Idf and an Epw object
    param_job(read_idf(idf_path), read_epw(epw_path))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab