######## Simulated data example 1: a simple regression smooth ########
# Warning: In this and all simulated data examples, your results
# probably won't be the same as we saw when we ran the example because
# random numbers depend on the seed value in effect at the time of the
# analysis.
# Set up 51 observation points equally spaced between 0 and 1
n = 51
argvals = seq(0,1,len=n)
# The true curve values are sine function values with period 1/2
x = sin(4*pi*argvals)
# Add independent Gaussian errors with std. dev. 0.2 to the true values
sigerr = 0.2
y = x + rnorm(x)*sigerr
# When we ran this code, we got these values of y (rounded to two
# decimals):
y = c(0.27, 0.05, 0.58, 0.91, 1.07, 0.98, 0.54, 0.94, 1.13, 0.64,
0.64, 0.60, 0.24, 0.15, -0.20, -0.63, -0.40, -1.22, -1.11, -0.76,
-1.11, -0.69, -0.54, -0.50, -0.35, -0.15, 0.27, 0.35, 0.65, 0.75,
0.75, 0.91, 1.04, 1.04, 1.04, 0.46, 0.30, -0.01, -0.19, -0.42,
-0.63, -0.78, -1.01, -1.08, -0.91, -0.92, -0.72, -0.84, -0.38, -0.23,
# Set up a B-spline basis system of order 4 (piecewise cubic) and with
# knots at 0, 0.1, ..., 0.9 and 1.0, and plot the basis functions
nbasis = 13
basisobj = create.bspline.basis(c(0,1),nbasis)
# Smooth the data, outputting only the functional data object for the
# fitted curve. Note that in this simple case we can supply the basis
# object as the "fdParobj" parameter
ys = smooth.basis(argvals=argvals, y=y, fdParobj=basisobj)
Ys = smooth.basis(argvals=argvals, y=y, fdParobj=basisobj,
# Ys[[7]] = Ys$y2cMap is sparse; everything else is the same
# }
all.equal(ys[-7], Ys[-7])
# }
xfd = ys$fd
Xfd = Ys$fd
# Plot the curve along with the data
plotfit.fd(y, argvals, xfd)
# Compute the root-mean-squared-error (RMSE) of the fit relative to the
# truth
RMSE = sqrt(mean((eval.fd(argvals, xfd) - x)^2))
print(RMSE) # We obtained 0.069
# RMSE = 0.069 seems good relative to the standard error of 0.2.
# Range through numbers of basis functions from 4 to 12 to see if we
# can do better. We want the best RMSE, but we also want the smallest
# number of basis functions, which in this case is the degrees of
# freedom for error (df). Small df implies a stable estimate.
# Note: 4 basis functions is as small as we can use without changing the
# order of the spline. Also display the gcv statistic to see what it
# likes.
for (nbasis in 4:12) {
basisobj = create.bspline.basis(c(0,1),nbasis)
ys = smooth.basis(argvals, y, basisobj)
xfd = ys$fd
gcv = ys$gcv
RMSE = sqrt(mean((eval.fd(argvals, xfd) - x)^2))
# progress report:
# cat(paste(nbasis,round(RMSE,3),round(gcv,3),"\n"))
# We got RMSE = 0.062 for 10 basis functions as optimal, but gcv liked
# almost the same thing, namely 9 basis functions. Both RMSE and gcv
# agreed emphatically that 7 or fewer basis functions was not enough.
# Unlike RMSE, however, gcv does not depend on knowing the truth.
# Plot the result for 10 basis functions along with "*" at the true
# values
nbasis = 10
basisobj = create.bspline.basis(c(0,1),10)
xfd = smooth.basis(argvals, y, basisobj)$fd
plotfit.fd(y, argvals, xfd)
points(argvals,x, pch="*")
# Homework:
# Repeat all this with various values of sigerr and various values of n
####### Simulated data example 2: a roughness-penalized smooth ########
# A roughness penalty approach is more flexible, allowing continuous
# control over smoothness and degrees of freedom, can be adapted to
# known features in the curve, and will generally provide better RMSE
# for given degrees of freedom.
# It does require a bit more effort, though.
# First, we define a little display function for showing how
# df, gcv and RMSE depend on the log10 smoothing parameter
plotGCVRMSE.fd = function(lamlow, lamhi, lamdel, x, argvals, y,
fdParobj, wtvec=NULL, fdnames=NULL, covariates=NULL) {
loglamvec = seq(lamlow, lamhi, lamdel)
loglamout = matrix(0,length(loglamvec),4)
m = 0
for (loglambda in loglamvec) {
m = m + 1
loglamout[m,1] = loglambda
fdParobj$lambda = 10^(loglambda)
smoothlist = smooth.basis(argvals, y, fdParobj, wtvec=wtvec,
fdnames=fdnames, covariates=covariates)
xfd = smoothlist$fd # the curve smoothing the data
loglamout[m,2] = smoothlist$df
# degrees of freedom in the smoothing curve
loglamout[m,3] = sqrt(mean((eval.fd(argvals, xfd) - x)^2))
loglamout[m,4] = mean(smoothlist$gcv) # the mean of the N gcv values
cat("log10 lambda, deg. freedom, RMSE, gcv\n")
for (i in 1:m) {
plot(loglamvec, loglamout[,2], type="b")
title("Degrees of freedom")
plot(loglamvec, loglamout[,3], type="b")
plot(loglamvec, loglamout[,4], type="b")
title("Mean gcv")
# Use the data that you used in Example 1, or run the following code:
n = 51
argvals = seq(0,1,len=n)
x = sin(4*pi*argvals)
sigerr = 0.2
err = matrix(rnorm(x),n,1)*sigerr
y = x + err
# We now set up a basis system with a knot at every data point.
# The number of basis functions will equal the number of interior knots
# plus the order, which in this case is still 4.
# 49 interior knots + order 4 = 53 basis functions
nbasis = n + 2
basisobj = create.bspline.basis(c(0,1),nbasis)
# Note that there are more basis functions than observed values. A
# basis like this is called "super-saturated." We have to use a
# positive smoothing parameter for it to work. Set up an object of
# class "fdPar" that penalizes the total squared second derivative,
# using a smoothing parameter that is set here to 10^(-4.5).
lambda = 10^(-4.5)
fdParobj = fdPar(fdobj=basisobj, Lfdobj=2, lambda=lambda)
# Smooth the data, outputting a list containing various quantities
smoothlist = smooth.basis(argvals, y, fdParobj)
xfd = smoothlist$fd # the curve smoothing the data
df = smoothlist$df # the degrees of freedom in the smoothing curve
gcv = smoothlist$gcv # the value of the gcv statistic
RMSE = sqrt(mean((eval.fd(argvals, xfd) - x)^2))
plotfit.fd(y, argvals, xfd)
points(argvals,x, pch="*")
# Repeat these analyses for a range of log10(lambda) values by running
# the function plotGCVRMSE that we defined above.
loglamout = plotGCVRMSE.fd(-6, -3, 0.25, x, argvals, y, fdParobj)
# When we ran this example, the optimal RMSE was 0.073, and was achieved
# for log10(lambda) = -4.25 or lambda = 0.000056. At this level of
# smoothing, the degrees of freedom index was 10.6, a value close to
# the 10 degrees of freedom that we saw for regression smoothing. The
# RMSE value is slightly higher than the regression analysis result, as
# is the degrees of freedom associated with the optimal value.
# Roughness penalty will, as we will see later, do better than
# regression smoothing; but with slightly red faces we say, "That's
# life with random data!" The gcv statistic agreed with RMSE on the
# optimal smoothing level, which is great because it does not need to
# know the true values. Note that gcv is emphatic about when there is
# too much smoothing, but rather vague about when we have
# under-smoothed the data.
# Homework:
# Compute average results taken across 100 sets of random data for each
# level of smoothing parameter lambda, and for each number of basis
# functions for regression smoothing.
## Simulated data example 3:
## a roughness-penalized smooth of a sample of curves
n = 51 # number of observations per curve
N = 100 # number of curves
argvals = seq(0,1,len=n)
# The true curve values are linear combinations of fourier function
# values.
# Set up the fourier basis
nfourierbasis = 13
fourierbasis = create.fourier.basis(c(0,1),nfourierbasis)
fourierbasismat = eval.basis(argvals,fourierbasis)
# Set up some random coefficients, with declining contributions from
# higher order basis functions
basiswt = matrix(exp(-(1:nfourierbasis)/3),nfourierbasis,N)
xcoef = matrix(rnorm(nfourierbasis*N),nfourierbasis,N)*basiswt
xfd = fd(xcoef, fourierbasis)
x = eval.fd(argvals, xfd)
# Add independent Gaussian noise to the data with std. dev. 0.2
sigerr = 0.2
y = x + matrix(rnorm(c(x)),n,N)*sigerr
# Set up spline basis system
nbasis = n + 2
basisobj = create.bspline.basis(c(0,1),nbasis)
# Set up roughness penalty with smoothing parameter 10^(-5)
lambda = 10^(-5)
fdParobj = fdPar(fdobj=basisobj, Lfdobj=2, lambda=lambda)
# Smooth the data, outputting a list containing various quantities
smoothlist = smooth.basis(argvals, y, fdParobj)
xfd = smoothlist$fd # the curve smoothing the data
df = smoothlist$df # the degrees of freedom in the smoothing curve
gcv = smoothlist$gcv # the value of the gcv statistic
RMSE = sqrt(mean((eval.fd(argvals, xfd) - x)^2))
# Display the results, note that a gcv value is returned for EACH curve,
# and therefore that a mean gcv result is reported
# the fits are plotted interactively by plotfit.fd ... click to advance
# plot
plotfit.fd(y, argvals, xfd)
# Repeat these results for a range of log10(lambda) values
loglamout = plotGCVRMSE.fd(-6, -3, 0.25, x, argvals, y, fdParobj)
# Our results were:
# log10 lambda, deg. freedom, RMSE, GCV
# -6.000 30.385 0.140 0.071
# -5.750 26.750 0.131 0.066
# -5.500 23.451 0.123 0.062
# -5.250 20.519 0.116 0.059
# -5.000 17.943 0.109 0.056
# -4.750 15.694 0.104 0.054
# -4.500 13.738 0.101 0.053
# -4.250 12.038 0.102 0.054
# -4.000 10.564 0.108 0.055
# -3.750 9.286 0.120 0.059
# -3.500 8.177 0.139 0.065
# -3.250 7.217 0.164 0.075
# -3.000 6.385 0.196 0.088
# RMSE and gcv both indicate an optimal smoothing level of
# log10(lambda) = -4.5 corresponding to 13.7 df. When we repeated the
# analysis using regression smoothing with 14 basis functions, we
# obtained RMSE = 0.110, about 10 percent larger than the value of
# 0.101 in the roughness penalty result. Smooth the data, outputting a
# list containing various quantities
# Homework:
# Sine functions have a curvature that doesn't vary a great deal over
# the range the curve. Devise some test functions with sharp local
# curvature, such as Gaussian densities with standard deviations that
# are small relative to the range of the observations. Compare
# regression and roughness penalty smoothing in these situations.
####### Simulated data example 4: a roughness-penalized smooth ########
## with correlated error
# These three examples make GCV look pretty good as a basis for
# selecting the smoothing parameter lambda. BUT GCV is based an
# assumption of independent errors, and in reality, functional data
# often have autocorrelated errors, with an autocorrelation that is
# usually positive among neighboring observations. Positively
# correlated random values tend to exhibit slowly varying values that
# have long runs on one side or the other of their baseline, and
# therefore can look like trend in the data that needs to be reflected
# in the smooth curve. This code sets up the error correlation matrix
# for first-order autoregressive errors, or AR(1).
rho = 0.9
n = 51
argvals = seq(0,1,len=n)
x = sin(4*pi*argvals)
Rerr = matrix(0,n,n)
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) Rerr[i,j] = rho^abs(i-j)
# Compute the Choleski factor of the correlation matrix
Lerr = chol(Rerr)
# set up some data
# Generate auto-correlated errors by multipling independent errors by
# the transpose of the Choleski factor
sigerr = 0.2
err = as.vector(crossprod(Lerr,matrix(rnorm(x),n,1))*sigerr)
# See the long-run errors that are genrated
plot(argvals, err)
y = x + err
# Our values of y were:
y = c(-0.03, 0.36, 0.59, 0.71, 0.97, 1.2, 1.1, 0.96, 0.79, 0.68,
0.56, 0.25, 0.01,-0.43,-0.69, -1, -1.09,-1.29,-1.16,-1.09,
-0.93, -0.9,-0.78,-0.47, -0.3,-0.01, 0.29, 0.47, 0.77, 0.85,
0.87, 0.97, 0.9, 0.72, 0.48, 0.25,-0.17,-0.39,-0.47,-0.71,
-1.07,-1.28,-1.33,-1.39,-1.45, -1.3,-1.25,-1.04,-0.82,-0.55, -0.2)
# Retaining the above data, now set up a basis system with a knot at
# every data point: the number of basis functions will equal the
# number of interior knots plus the order, which in this case is still
# 4.
# 19 interior knots + order 4 = 23 basis functions
nbasis = n + 2
basisobj = create.bspline.basis(c(0,1),nbasis)
fdParobj = fdPar(basisobj)
# Smooth these results for a range of log10(lambda) values
loglamout = plotGCVRMSE.fd(-6, -3, 0.25, x, argvals, y, fdParobj)
# Our results without weighting were:
# -6.000 30.385 0.261 0.004
# -5.750 26.750 0.260 0.005
# -5.500 23.451 0.259 0.005
# -5.250 20.519 0.258 0.005
# -5.000 17.943 0.256 0.005
# -4.750 15.694 0.255 0.006
# -4.500 13.738 0.252 0.006
# -4.250 12.038 0.249 0.007
# -4.000 10.564 0.246 0.010
# -3.750 9.286 0.244 0.015
# -3.500 8.177 0.248 0.028
# -3.250 7.217 0.267 0.055
# -3.000 6.385 0.310 0.102
# Now GCV still is firm on the fact that log10(lambda) over -4 is
# over-smoothing, but is quite unhelpful about what constitutes
# undersmoothing. In real data applications you will have to make the
# final call. Now set up a weight matrix equal to the inverse of the
# correlation matrix
wtmat = solve(Rerr)
# Smooth these results for a range of log10(lambda) values using the
# weight matrix
loglamout = plotGCVRMSE.fd(-6, -3, 0.25, x, argvals, y, fdParobj,
# Our results with weighting were:
# -6.000 46.347 0.263 0.005
# -5.750 43.656 0.262 0.005
# -5.500 40.042 0.261 0.005
# -5.250 35.667 0.259 0.005
# -5.000 30.892 0.256 0.005
# -4.750 26.126 0.251 0.006
# -4.500 21.691 0.245 0.008
# -4.250 17.776 0.237 0.012
# -4.000 14.449 0.229 0.023
# -3.750 11.703 0.231 0.045
# -3.500 9.488 0.257 0.088
# -3.250 7.731 0.316 0.161
# -3.000 6.356 0.397 0.260
# GCV is still not clear about what the right smoothing level is.
# But, comparing the two results, we see an optimal RMSE without
# smoothing of 0.244 at log10(lambda) = -3.75, and with smoothing 0.229
# at log10(lambda) = -4. Weighting improved the RMSE. At
# log10(lambda) = -4 the improvement is 9 percent.
# Smooth the data with and without the weight matrix at log10(lambda) =
# -4
fdParobj = fdPar(basisobj, 2, 10^(-4))
smoothlistnowt = smooth.basis(argvals, y, fdParobj)
fdobjnowt = smoothlistnowt$fd # the curve smoothing the data
df = smoothlistnowt$df # the degrees of freedom in the smoothing curve
GCV = smoothlistnowt$gcv # the value of the GCV statistic
RMSE = sqrt(mean((eval.fd(argvals, fdobjnowt) - x)^2))
smoothlistwt = smooth.basis(argvals, y, fdParobj, wtvec=wtmat)
fdobjwt = smoothlistwt$fd # the curve smoothing the data
df = smoothlistwt$df # the degrees of freedom in the smoothing curve
GCV = smoothlistwt$gcv # the value of the GCV statistic
RMSE = sqrt(mean((eval.fd(argvals, fdobjwt) - x)^2))
plotfit.fd(y, argvals, fdobjnowt)
plotfit.fd(y, argvals, fdobjwt)
points(argvals, y)
# Homework:
# Repeat these analyses with various values of rho, perhaps using
# multiple curves to get more stable indications of relative
# performance. Be sure to include some negative rho's.
######## Simulated data example 5: derivative estimation ########
# Functional data analyses often involve estimating derivatives. Here
# we repeat the analyses of Example 2, but this time focussing our
# attention on the estimation of the first and second derivative.
n = 51
argvals = seq(0,1,len=n)
x = sin(4*pi*argvals)
Dx = 4*pi*cos(4*pi*argvals)
D2x = -(4*pi)^2*sin(4*pi*argvals)
sigerr = 0.2
y = x + rnorm(x)*sigerr
# We now use order 6 splines so that we can control the curvature of
# the second derivative, which therefore involves penalizing the
# derivative of order four.
norder = 6
nbasis = n + norder - 2
basisobj = create.bspline.basis(c(0,1),nbasis,norder)
# Note that there are more basis functions than observed values. A
# basis like this is called "super-saturated." We have to use a
# positive smoothing parameter for it to work. Set up an object of
# class "fdPar" that penalizes the total squared fourth derivative. The
# smoothing parameter that is set here to 10^(-10), because the squared
# fourth derivative is a much larger number than the squared second
# derivative.
lambda = 10^(-10)
fdParobj = fdPar(fdobj=basisobj, Lfdobj=4, lambda=lambda)
# Smooth the data, outputting a list containing various quantities
smoothlist = smooth.basis(argvals, y, fdParobj)
xfd = smoothlist$fd # the curve smoothing the data
df = smoothlist$df # the degrees of freedom in the smoothing curve
gcv = smoothlist$gcv # the value of the gcv statistic
Dxhat = eval.fd(argvals, xfd, Lfd=1)
D2xhat = eval.fd(argvals, xfd, Lfd=2)
RMSED = sqrt(mean((Dxhat - Dx )^2))
RMSED2 = sqrt(mean((D2xhat - D2x)^2))
# Four plots of the results row-wise: data fit, first derivative fit,
# second derivative fit, second vs. first derivative fit
# (phase-plane plot)
plotfit.fd(y, argvals, xfd)
plot(argvals, Dxhat, type="p", pch="o")
points(argvals, Dx, pch="*")
title("first derivative approximation")
plot(argvals, D2xhat, type="p", pch="o")
points(argvals, D2x, pch="*")
title("second derivative approximation")
plot(Dxhat, D2xhat, type="p", pch="o")
points(Dx, D2x, pch="*")
title("second against first derivative")
# This illustrates an inevitable problem with spline basis functions;
# because they are not periodic, they fail to capture derivative
# information well at the ends of the interval. The true phase-plane
# plot is an ellipse, but the phase-plane plot of the estimated
# derivatives here is only a rough approximtion, and breaks down at the
# left boundary.
# Homework:
# Repeat these results with smaller standard errors.
# Repeat these results, but this time use a fourier basis with no
# roughness penalty, and find the number of basis functions that gives
# the best result. The right answer to this question is, of course, 3,
# if we retain the constant term, even though it is here not needed.
# Compare the smoothing parameter preferred by RMSE for a derivative to
# that preferred by the RMSE for the function itself, and to that
# preferred by gcv.
## Simulated data example 6:
## a better roughness penalty for derivative estimation
# We want to see if we can improve the spline fit.
# We know from elementary calculus as well as the code above that
# (4*pi)^2 sine(2*p*x) = -D2 sine(2*p*x), so that
# Lx = D2x + (4*pi)^2 x is zero for a sine or a cosine curve.
# We now penalize roughness using this "smart" roughness penalty
# Here we set up a linear differential operator object that defines
# this penalty
constbasis = create.constant.basis(c(0,1))
xcoef.fd = fd((4*pi)^2, constbasis)
Dxcoef.fd = fd(0, constbasis)
bwtlist = vector("list", 2)
bwtlist[[1]] = xcoef.fd
bwtlist[[2]] = Dxcoef.fd
Lfdobj = Lfd(nderiv=2, bwtlist=bwtlist)
# Now we use a much larger value of lambda to reflect our confidence
# in power of calculus to solve problems!
lambda = 10^(0)
fdParobj = fdPar(fdobj=basisobj, Lfdobj=Lfdobj, lambda=lambda)
smoothlist = smooth.basis(argvals, y, fdParobj)
xfd = smoothlist$fd # the curve smoothing the data
df = smoothlist$df # the degrees of freedom in the smoothing curve
gcv = smoothlist$gcv # the value of the gcv statistic
Dxhat = eval.fd(argvals, xfd, Lfd=1)
D2xhat = eval.fd(argvals, xfd, Lfd=2)
RMSED = sqrt(mean((Dxhat - Dx )^2))
RMSED2 = sqrt(mean((D2xhat - D2x)^2))
# Four plots of the results row-wise: data fit, first derivative fit,
# second derivative fit, second versus first derivative fit
# (phase-plane plot)
plotfit.fd(y, argvals, xfd)
plot(argvals, Dxhat, type="p", pch="o")
points(argvals, Dx, pch="*")
title("first derivative approximation")
plot(argvals, D2xhat, type="p", pch="o")
points(argvals, D2x, pch="*")
title("second derivative approximation")
plot(Dxhat, D2xhat, type="p", pch="o")
points(Dx, D2x, pch="*")
title("second against first derivative")
# The results are nearly perfect in spite of the fact that we are not using
# periodic basis functions. Notice, too, that we have used 2.03
# degrees of freedom, which is close to what we would use for the ideal
# fourier series basis with the constant term dropped.
# Homework:
# These results depended on us knowing the right period, of course.
# The data would certainly allow us to estimate the period 1/2 closely,
# but try various other periods by replacing 1/2 by other values.
# Alternatively, change x by adding a small amount of, say, linear trend.
# How much trend do you have to add to seriously handicap the results?
######## Simulated data example 7: Using covariates ########
# Now we simulate data that are defined by a sine curve, but where the
# the first 20 observed values are shifted upwards by 0.5, and the
# second shifted downwards by -0.2. The two covariates are indicator
# or dummy variables, and the estimated regression coefficients will
# indicate the shifts as estimated from the data.
n = 51
argvals = seq(0,1,len=n)
x = sin(4*pi*argvals)
sigerr = 0.2
y = x + rnorm(x)*sigerr
# the n by p matrix of covariate values, p being here 2
p = 2
zmat = matrix(0,n,p)
zmat[ 1:11,1] = 1
zmat[11:20,2] = 1
# The true values of the regression coefficients
beta0 = matrix(c(0.5,-0.2),p,1)
y = y + zmat
# }
<!-- %*% beta0 -->
# }
# The same basis system and smoothing process as used in Example 2
nbasis = n + 2
basisobj = create.bspline.basis(c(0,1),nbasis)
lambda = 10^(-4)
fdParobj = fdPar(basisobj, 2, lambda)
# Smooth the data, outputting a list containing various quantities
smoothlist = smooth.basis(argvals, y, fdParobj, covariates=zmat)
xfd = smoothlist$fd # the curve smoothing the data
df = smoothlist$df # the degrees of freedom in the smoothing curve
gcv = smoothlist$gcv # the value of the gcv statistic
beta = smoothlist$beta # the regression coefficients
RMSE = sqrt(mean((eval.fd(argvals, xfd) - x)^2))
plotfit.fd(y, argvals, xfd)
points(argvals,x, pch="*")
# The recovery of the smooth curve is fine, as in Example 2. The
# shift of the first 10 observations was estimated to be 0.62 in our run,
# and the shift of the second 20 was estimated to be -0.42. These
# estimates are based on only 10 observations, and these estimates are
# therefore quite reasonable.
# Repeat these analyses for a range of log10(lambda) values
loglamout = plotGCVRMSE.fd(-6, -3, 0.25, x, argvals, y, fdParobj,
# Homework:
# Try an example where the covariate values are themselves are
# generated by a smooth known curve.
## Simulated data example 8:
## a roughness-penalized smooth of a sample of curves and
## variable observation points
n = 51 # number of observations per curve
N = 100 # number of curves
argvals = matrix(0,n,N)
for (i in 1:N) argvals[,i] = sort(runif(1:n))
# The true curve values are linear combinations of fourier function
# values.
# Set up the fourier basis
nfourierbasis = 13
fourierbasis = create.fourier.basis(c(0,1),nfourierbasis)
# Set up some random coefficients, with declining contributions from
# higher order basis functions
basiswt = matrix(exp(-(1:nfourierbasis)/3),nfourierbasis,N)
xcoef = matrix(rnorm(nfourierbasis*N),nfourierbasis,N)*basiswt
xfd = fd(xcoef, fourierbasis)
x = matrix(0,n,N)
for (i in 1:N) x[,i] = eval.fd(argvals[,i], xfd[i])
# Add independent Gaussian noise to the data with std. dev. 0.2
sigerr = 0.2
y = x + matrix(rnorm(c(x)),n,N)*sigerr
# Set up spline basis system
nbasis = n + 2
basisobj = create.bspline.basis(c(0,1),nbasis)
# Set up roughness penalty with smoothing parameter 10^(-5)
lambda = 10^(-5)
fdParobj = fdPar(fdobj=basisobj, Lfdobj=2, lambda=lambda)
# Smooth the data, outputting a list containing various quantities
smoothlist = smooth.basis(argvals, y, fdParobj)
xfd = smoothlist$fd # the curve smoothing the data
df = smoothlist$df # the degrees of freedom in the smoothing curve
gcv = smoothlist$gcv # the value of the gcv statistic
#RMSE = sqrt(mean((eval.fd(argvals, xfd) - x)^2))
eval.x <- eval.fd(argvals, xfd)
e.xfd <- (eval.x-x)
mean.e2 <- mean(e.xfd^2)
RMSE = sqrt(mean.e2)
# Display the results, note that a gcv value is returned for EACH
# curve, and therefore that a mean gcv result is reported
# Function plotfit.fd is not equipped to handle a matrix of argvals,
# but can always be called within a loop to plot each curve in turn.
# Although a call to function plotGCVRMSE.fd works, the computational
# overhead is substantial, and we omit this here.
## Real data example 9. gait
# These data involve two variables in addition to multiple curves
gaittime <- (1:20)/21
gaitrange <- c(0,1)
gaitbasis <- create.fourier.basis(gaitrange,21)
lambda <- 10^(-11.5)
harmaccelLfd <- vec2Lfd(c(0, 0, (2*pi)^2, 0))
gaitfdPar <- fdPar(gaitbasis, harmaccelLfd, lambda)
gaitSmooth <- smooth.basis(gaittime, gait, gaitfdPar)
gaitfd <- gaitSmooth$fd
# }
# by default creates multiple plots, asking for a click between plots
plotfit.fd(gait, gaittime, gaitfd)
# }
# }
# end of if (!CRAN)
# }
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