# (1) Fit of a lognormal distribution to bacterial contamination data
fitsf <- fitdistcens(smokedfish,"lnorm")
# default plot using the Turnbull algorithm
# plot using the Turnbull algorithm with confidence intervals for the
# empirical distribution
plot(fitsf, Turnbull.confint = TRUE)
# basic plot using intervals and points (see ?plotdiscens for details)
plot(fitsf, Turnbull = FALSE)
# plot of the same fit using the Turnbull algorithm in logscale
cdfcompcens(fitsf,main="bacterial contamination fits",
xlab="bacterial concentration (CFU/g)",ylab="F",
addlegend = FALSE,lines01 = TRUE, xlogscale = TRUE, xlim = c(1e-2,1e2))
# zoom on large values of F
cdfcompcens(fitsf,main="bacterial contamination fits",
xlab="bacterial concentration (CFU/g)",ylab="F",
addlegend = FALSE,lines01 = TRUE, xlogscale = TRUE,
xlim = c(1e-2,1e2),ylim=c(0.4,1))
# (2) Fit of a normal distribution on acute toxicity values
# of fluazinam (in decimal logarithm) for
# macroinvertebrates and zooplancton, using maximum likelihood estimation
# to estimate what is called a species sensitivity distribution
# (SSD) in ecotoxicology
log10EC50 <-log10(fluazinam)
fln <- fitdistcens(log10EC50,"norm")
# (3) defining your own distribution functions, here for the Gumbel distribution
# for other distributions, see the CRAN task view dedicated to
# probability distributions
dgumbel <- function(x,a,b) 1/b*exp((a-x)/b)*exp(-exp((a-x)/b))
pgumbel <- function(q,a,b) exp(-exp((a-q)/b))
qgumbel <- function(p,a,b) a-b*log(-log(p))
fg <- fitdistcens(log10EC50,"gumbel",start=list(a=1,b=1))
# (4) comparison of fits of various distributions
fll <- fitdistcens(log10EC50,"logis")
xlab = "log10(EC50)")
# (5) how to change the optimisation method?
# (6) custom optimisation function - example with the genetic algorithm
## Not run:
# #wrap genoud function rgenoud package
# mygenoud <- function(fn, par, ...)
# {
# require(rgenoud)
# res <- genoud(fn, starting.values=par, ...)
# standardres <- c(res, convergence=0)
# return(standardres)
# }
# # call fitdistcens with a 'custom' optimization function
# fit.with.genoud <- fitdistcens(log10EC50,"logis", custom.optim=mygenoud, nvars=2,
# Domains=cbind(c(0,0), c(5, 5)), boundary.enforcement=1,
# print.level=1, hessian=TRUE)
# summary(fit.with.genoud)
# ## End(Not run)
# (7) estimation of the mean of a normal distribution
# by maximum likelihood with the standard deviation fixed at 1 using the argument fix.arg
flnb <- fitdistcens(log10EC50, "norm", start = list(mean = 1),fix.arg = list(sd = 1))
# (8) Fit of a lognormal distribution on acute toxicity values of fluazinam for
# macroinvertebrates and zooplancton, using maximum likelihood estimation
# to estimate what is called a species sensitivity distribution
# (SSD) in ecotoxicology, followed by estimation of the 5 percent quantile value of
# the fitted distribution (which is called the 5 percent hazardous concentration, HC5,
# in ecotoxicology) and estimation of other quantiles.
log10EC50 <-log10(fluazinam)
fln <- fitdistcens(log10EC50,"norm")
quantile(fln, probs = 0.05)
quantile(fln, probs = c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2))
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