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genArise (version 1.48.0)

post.analysis: Set-combinatorial analysis


This function allows you to perform a set combinatorial analysis between the results previously obtained in different projects. This function is called post.analysis and it is mandatory that you have done the Zscore operation in all the selected projects. It is important to clarify that this function receives a list of files with extension prj as argument and for this reason you can't use it if the results to compare was not obtained by the genArise GUI.


post.analysis(values, min.val, max.val, up.down, output)


A list of projects to compare
The minimal value of the range
The maximal value of the range
If the analysis will be done with "up" or "down" regulated
The directory that will contain all the output files


Once obtained the ids list for each project a number of files with extension set are created in a directory. The name of this files consists in a sequence of 0 and 1. The number of digits in the file names is the same to the number of projects in the list passed as argument to the function. There is then, a relation between the number of digits in the file names and the projects. This relation is defined by the position specified in the file order.txt in the same directory you have passed as another argument in the function.