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ggeffects - Estimated Marginal Means and Marginal Effects from Regression Models


Lüdecke D (2018). ggeffects: Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects from Regression Models. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(26), 772. doi: 10.21105/joss.00772

Why marginal effects?

Results of regression models are typically presented as tables that are easy to understand. For more complex models that include interaction or quadratic / spline terms, tables with numbers are less helpful and difficult to interpret. In such cases, marginal effects are far easier to understand. In particular, the visualization of marginal effects allows to intuitively get the idea of how predictors and outcome are associated, even for complex models.

Aim of this package

ggeffects is a light-weight package that aims at easily calculating marginal effects (or: estimated marginal means) at the mean or at representative values (see definitions here) from statistical models, i.e. predictions generated by a model when one holds the non-focal variables constant and varies the focal variable(s). This is achieved by three core ideas that describe the philosophy of the function design:

  1. Functions are type-safe and always return a data frame with the same, consistent structure;

  2. there is a simple, unique approach to calculate marginal effects and estimated marginal means for many different models;

  3. the package supports “labelled data” (Lüdecke 2018), which allows human readable annotations for graphical outputs.

This means, users do not need to care about any expensive steps after modeling to visualize the results. The returned as data frame is ready to use with the ggplot2-package, however, there is also a plot()-method to easily create publication-ready figures.

Documentation and Support

Please visit https://strengejacke.github.io/ggeffects/ for documentation and vignettes. For questions about the functionality, you may either contact me via email or also file an issue.

ggeffects supports many different models and is easy to use

Marginal effects can be calculated for many different models. Currently supported model-objects are: bamlss, bayesx, betabin, betareg, bglmer, blmer, bracl, brglm, brmsfit, brmultinom, cgam, cgamm, clm, clm2, clmm, coxph, fixest, gam (package mgcv), Gam (package gam), gamlss, gamm, gamm4, gee, geeglm, glm, glm.nb, glmer, glmer.nb, glmmTMB, glmmPQL, glmrob, glmRob, glmx, gls, hurdle, ivreg, lm, lm_robust, lme, lmer, lmrob, lmRob, logistf, lrm, mclogit, mlogit, MixMod, MCMCglmm, mixor, multinom, negbin, nlmer, ols, plm, polr, rlm, rlmer, rq, rqss, stanreg, survreg, svyglm, svyglm.nb, tobit, truncreg, vgam, wbm, zeroinfl and zerotrunc.

Support for models varies by function, i.e. although ggpredict(), ggemmeans() and ggeffect() support most models, some models are only supported exclusively by one of the three functions. Other models not listed here might work as well, but are currently not tested.

Interaction terms, splines and polynomial terms are also supported. The main functions are ggpredict(), ggemmeans() and ggeffect(). There is a generic plot()-method to plot the results using ggplot2.


The returned data frames always have the same, consistent structure and column names, so it’s easy to create ggplot-plots without the need to re-write the function call. x and predicted are the values for the x- and y-axis. conf.low and conf.high could be used as ymin and ymax aesthetics for ribbons to add confidence bands to the plot. group can be used as grouping-aesthetics, or for faceting.

ggpredict() requires at least one, but not more than four terms specified in the terms-argument. Predicted values of the response, along the values of the first term are calculated, optionally grouped by the other terms specified in terms.

fit <- lm(barthtot ~ c12hour + bs(neg_c_7) * c161sex + e42dep, data = efc)

ggpredict(fit, terms = "c12hour")
#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> # x = average number of hours of care per week
#>   x | Predicted |   SE |         95% CI
#> ---------------------------------------
#>   4 |     67.89 | 1.06 | [65.81, 69.96]
#>  12 |     67.07 | 1.01 | [65.10, 69.05]
#>  22 |     66.06 | 0.96 | [64.19, 67.94]
#>  36 |     64.64 | 0.92 | [62.84, 66.45]
#>  49 |     63.32 | 0.93 | [61.51, 65.14]
#>  70 |     61.20 | 1.01 | [59.22, 63.17]
#> 100 |     58.15 | 1.25 | [55.71, 60.60]
#> 168 |     51.26 | 2.04 | [47.27, 55.25]
#> Adjusted for:
#> * neg_c_7 = 11.83
#> * c161sex =  1.76
#> *  e42dep =  2.93

A possible call to ggplot could look like this:

mydf <- ggpredict(fit, terms = "c12hour")
ggplot(mydf, aes(x, predicted)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), alpha = .1)

However, there is also a plot()-method. This method uses convenient defaults, to easily create the most suitable plot for the marginal effects.

mydf <- ggpredict(fit, terms = "c12hour")

With three variables, predictions can be grouped and faceted.

ggpredict(fit, terms = c("neg_c_7", "c161sex", "e42dep"))
#> # Predicted values of Total score BARTHEL INDEX
#> # x = Negative impact with 7 items
#> # c161sex = Male
#> #  e42dep = [1] independent
#>  x | Predicted |    SE |          95% CI
#> ----------------------------------------
#>  7 |    102.74 |  3.45 | [95.97, 109.51]
#> 12 |    102.27 |  2.64 | [97.10, 107.44]
#> 17 |     93.79 |  3.49 | [86.96, 100.63]
#> 28 |    164.57 | 35.00 | [95.98, 233.17]
#> # c161sex = Female
#> #  e42dep = [1] independent
#>  x | Predicted |   SE |           95% CI
#> ----------------------------------------
#>  7 |    109.54 | 2.21 | [105.20, 113.87]
#> 12 |     99.81 | 1.97 | [ 95.94, 103.68]
#> 17 |     94.90 | 2.39 | [ 90.21,  99.60]
#> 28 |     90.26 | 9.42 | [ 71.79, 108.74]
#> # c161sex = Male
#> #  e42dep = [2] slightly dependent
#>  x | Predicted |    SE |          95% CI
#> ----------------------------------------
#>  7 |     83.73 |  3.27 | [77.32,  90.14]
#> 12 |     83.26 |  2.20 | [78.95,  87.58]
#> 17 |     74.79 |  3.11 | [68.68,  80.89]
#> 28 |    145.57 | 34.98 | [77.00, 214.14]
#> # c161sex = Female
#> #  e42dep = [2] slightly dependent
#>  x | Predicted |   SE |         95% CI
#> --------------------------------------
#>  7 |     90.53 | 1.95 | [86.71, 94.35]
#> 12 |     80.80 | 1.34 | [78.17, 83.44]
#> 17 |     75.90 | 1.84 | [72.29, 79.51]
#> 28 |     71.26 | 9.28 | [53.07, 89.45]
#> # c161sex = Male
#> #  e42dep = [3] moderately dependent
#>  x | Predicted |    SE |          95% CI
#> ----------------------------------------
#>  7 |     64.72 |  3.29 | [58.28,  71.16]
#> 12 |     64.26 |  2.02 | [60.30,  68.21]
#> 17 |     55.78 |  2.93 | [50.04,  61.52]
#> 28 |    126.56 | 34.99 | [57.98, 195.14]
#> # c161sex = Female
#> #  e42dep = [3] moderately dependent
#>  x | Predicted |   SE |         95% CI
#> --------------------------------------
#>  7 |     71.52 | 2.01 | [67.59, 75.45]
#> 12 |     61.79 | 1.02 | [59.79, 63.80]
#> 17 |     56.89 | 1.54 | [53.86, 59.91]
#> 28 |     52.25 | 9.21 | [34.21, 70.29]
#> # c161sex = Male
#> #  e42dep = [4] severely dependent
#>  x | Predicted |    SE |          95% CI
#> ----------------------------------------
#>  7 |     45.72 |  3.50 | [38.86,  52.57]
#> 12 |     45.25 |  2.15 | [41.03,  49.47]
#> 17 |     36.77 |  2.96 | [30.97,  42.58]
#> 28 |    107.55 | 35.01 | [38.93, 176.18]
#> # c161sex = Female
#> #  e42dep = [4] severely dependent
#>  x | Predicted |   SE |         95% CI
#> --------------------------------------
#>  7 |     52.51 | 2.36 | [47.88, 57.15]
#> 12 |     42.79 | 1.27 | [40.29, 45.28]
#> 17 |     37.88 | 1.64 | [34.66, 41.10]
#> 28 |     33.24 | 9.20 | [15.21, 51.28]
#> Adjusted for:
#> * c12hour = 42.10

mydf <- ggpredict(fit, terms = c("neg_c_7", "c161sex", "e42dep"))
ggplot(mydf, aes(x = x, y = predicted, colour = group)) +
  geom_line() +

plot() works for this case, as well:


More features are explained in detail in the package-vignettes.


Latest development build

To install the latest development snapshot (see latest changes below), type following commands into the R console:


Officiale, stable release

To install the latest stable release from CRAN, type following command into the R console:



In case you want / have to cite my package, please use citation('ggeffects') for citation information:

Lüdecke D (2018). ggeffects: Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects from Regression Models. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(26), 772. doi: 10.21105/joss.00772


Lüdecke, Daniel. 2018. “Sjlabelled: Labelled Data Utility Functions,” May. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1249215.

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Daniel Lüdecke

Last Published

March 17th, 2021

Functions in ggeffects (1.0.2)


Sample data set

Marginal effects and estimated marginal means from regression models

Create a data frame from all combinations of predictor values

Get titles and labels from data

Pool Predictions or Estimated Marginal Means

Plot ggeffects-objects

Create a pretty sequence over a range of a vector

Sample dataset from the EUROFAMCARE project

Sample data set

Calculate representative values of a vector

Calculate variance-covariance matrix for marginal effects

Compute partial residuals from a data grid