Supported Models
A list of supported models can be found at
Support for models varies by function, i.e. although ggpredict()
and ggeffect()
support most models, some models
are only supported exclusively by one of the three functions.
Difference between ggpredict()
and ggeffect()
or ggemmeans()
calls predict()
, while ggeffect()
calls effects::Effect()
and ggemmeans()
to compute marginal effects. Thus, effects returned
by ggpredict()
can be described as conditional effects (i.e.
these are conditioned on certain (reference) levels of factors), while
and ggeffect()
return marginal means, since
the effects are "marginalized" (or "averaged") over the levels of factors.
Therefore, ggpredict()
and ggeffect()
resp. ggemmeans()
differ in how factors are held constant: ggpredict()
uses the
reference level, while ggeffect()
and ggemmeans()
compute a
kind of "average" value, which represents the proportions of each factor's
category. Use condition
to set a specific level for factors in
, so factors are not averaged over their categories,
but held constant at a given level.
Marginal Effects at Specific Values
Specific values of model terms can be specified via the terms
Indicating levels in square brackets allows for selecting only
specific groups or values resp. value ranges. Term name and the start of
the levels in brackets must be separated by a whitespace character, e.g.
terms = c("age", "education [1,3]")
. Numeric ranges, separated
with colon, are also allowed: terms = c("education", "age [30:60]")
The stepsize for range can be adjusted using `by`, e.g.
terms = "age [30:60 by=5]"
The terms
-argument also supports the same shortcuts as the
-argument in values_at()
. So
terms = "age [meansd]"
would return predictions for the values
one standard deviation below the mean age, the mean age and
one SD above the mean age. terms = "age [quart2]"
would calculate
predictions at the value of the lower, median and upper quartile of age.
Furthermore, it is possible to specify a function name. Values for
predictions will then be transformed, e.g. terms = "income [exp]"
This is useful when model predictors were transformed for fitting the
model and should be back-transformed to the original scale for predictions.
It is also possible to define own functions (see
this vignette).
Instead of a function, it is also possible to define the name of a variable
with specific values, e.g. to define a vector v = c(1000, 2000, 3000)
then use terms = "income [v]"
You can take a random sample of any size with sample=n
, e.g
terms = "income [sample=8]"
, which will sample eight values from
all possible values of the variable income
. This option is especially
useful for plotting marginal effects at certain levels of random effects
group levels, where the group factor has many levels that can be completely
plotted. For more details, see this vignette.
Finally, numeric vectors for which no specific values are given, a
"pretty range" is calculated (see pretty_range
), to avoid
memory allocation problems for vectors with many unique values. If a numeric
vector is specified as second or third term (i.e. if this vector represents
a grouping structure), representative values (see values_at
are chosen (unless other values are specified). If all values for a numeric
vector should be used to compute predictions, you may use e.g.
terms = "age [all]"
. See also package vignettes.
To create a pretty range that should be smaller or larger than the default
range (i.e. if no specific values would be given), use the n
e.g. terms="age [n=5]"
or terms="age [n=12]"
. Larger
values for n
return a larger range of predicted values.
Holding covariates at constant values
For ggpredict()
, expand.grid()
is called on all unique
combinations of model.frame(model)[, terms]
and used as
-argument for predict()
. In this case,
all remaining covariates that are not specified in terms
held constant: Numeric values are set to the mean (unless changed with
the condition
or typical
-argument), factors are set to their
reference level (may also be changed with condition
) and character
vectors to their mode (most common element).
and ggemmeans()
, by default, set remaining numeric
covariates to their mean value, while for factors, a kind of "average" value,
which represents the proportions of each factor's category, is used. For
, use condition
to set a specific level for
factors so that these are not averaged over their categories, but held
constant at the given level.
Bayesian Regression Models
also works with Stan-models from
the rstanarm or brms-package. The predicted
values are the median value of all drawn posterior samples. The
confidence intervals for Stan-models are Bayesian predictive intervals.
By default (i.e. ppd = FALSE
), the predictions are based on
and hence have some
limitations: the uncertainty of the error term is not taken into
account. The recommendation is to use the posterior predictive
distribution (rstantools::posterior_predict()
Zero-Inflated and Zero-Inflated Mixed Models with brms
Models of class brmsfit
always condition on the zero-inflation
component, if the model has such a component. Hence, there is no
type = "zero_inflated"
nor type = "zi_random"
for brmsfit
because predictions are based on draws of the posterior distribution,
which already account for the zero-inflation part of the model.
Zero-Inflated and Zero-Inflated Mixed Models with glmmTMB
If model
is of class glmmTMB
, hurdle
, zeroinfl
or zerotrunc
, simulations from a multivariate normal distribution
(see ?MASS::mvrnorm
) are drawn to calculate mu*(1-p)
Confidence intervals are then based on quantiles of these results. For
type = "zi_random"
, prediction intervals also take the uncertainty in
the random-effect paramters into account (see also Brooks et al. 2017,
pp.391-392 for details).
An alternative for models fitted with glmmTMB that take all model
uncertainties into account are simulations based on simulate()
, which
is used when type = "sim"
(see Brooks et al. 2017, pp.392-393 for
MixMod-models from GLMMadaptive
Predicted values for the fixed effects component (type = "fixed"
type = "zero_inflated"
) are based on predict(..., type = "mean_subject")
while predicted values for random effects components (type = "random"
type = "zi_random"
) are calculated with predict(..., type = "subject_specific")
(see ?GLMMadaptive::predict.MixMod
for details). The latter option
requires the response variable to be defined in the newdata
of predict()
, which will be set to its typical value (see