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httr (version 1.4.7)

RETRY: Retry a request until it succeeds.


Safely retry a request until it succeeds, as defined by the terminate_on parameter, which by default means a response for which http_error() is FALSE. Will also retry on error conditions raised by the underlying curl code, but if the last retry still raises one, RETRY will raise it again with stop(). It is designed to be kind to the server: after each failure randomly waits up to twice as long. (Technically it uses exponential backoff with jitter, using the approach outlined in https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/exponential-backoff-and-jitter/.) If the server returns status code 429 and specifies a retry-after value, that value will be used instead, unless it's smaller than pause_min.


  url = NULL,
  config = list(),
  body = NULL,
  encode = c("multipart", "form", "json", "raw"),
  times = 3,
  pause_base = 1,
  pause_cap = 60,
  pause_min = 1,
  handle = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,
  terminate_on = NULL,
  terminate_on_success = TRUE


The last response. Note that if the request doesn't succeed after times times this will be a failed request, i.e. you still need to use stop_for_status().



Name of verb to use.


the url of the page to retrieve


Additional configuration settings such as http authentication (authenticate()), additional headers (add_headers()), cookies (set_cookies()) etc. See config() for full details and list of helpers.


Further named parameters, such as query, path, etc, passed on to modify_url(). Unnamed parameters will be combined with config().


One of the following:

  • FALSE: No body. This is typically not used with POST, PUT, or PATCH, but can be useful if you need to send a bodyless request (like GET) with VERB().

  • NULL: An empty body

  • "": A length 0 body

  • upload_file("path/"): The contents of a file. The mime type will be guessed from the extension, or can be supplied explicitly as the second argument to upload_file()

  • A character or raw vector: sent as is in body. Use content_type() to tell the server what sort of data you are sending.

  • A named list: See details for encode.


If the body is a named list, how should it be encoded? Can be one of form (application/x-www-form-urlencoded), multipart, (multipart/form-data), or json (application/json).

For "multipart", list elements can be strings or objects created by upload_file(). For "form", elements are coerced to strings and escaped, use I() to prevent double-escaping. For "json", parameters are automatically "unboxed" (i.e. length 1 vectors are converted to scalars). To preserve a length 1 vector as a vector, wrap in I(). For "raw", either a character or raw vector. You'll need to make sure to set the content_type() yourself.


Maximum number of requests to attempt.

pause_base, pause_cap

This method uses exponential back-off with full jitter - this means that each request will randomly wait between pause_min and pause_base * 2 ^ attempt seconds, up to a maximum of pause_cap seconds.


Minimum time to wait in the backoff; generally only necessary if you need pauses less than one second (which may not be kind to the server, use with caution!).


The handle to use with this request. If not supplied, will be retrieved and reused from the handle_pool() based on the scheme, hostname and port of the url. By default httr requests to the same scheme/host/port combo. This substantially reduces connection time, and ensures that cookies are maintained over multiple requests to the same host. See handle_pool() for more details.


If FALSE, will print a message displaying how long until the next request.


Optional vector of numeric HTTP status codes that if found on the response will terminate the retry process. If NULL, will keep retrying while http_error() is TRUE for the response.


If TRUE, the default, this will automatically terminate when the request is successful, regardless of the value of terminate_on.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Succeeds straight away
RETRY("GET", "http://httpbin.org/status/200")
# Never succeeds
RETRY("GET", "http://httpbin.org/status/500")
# Invalid hostname generates curl error condition and is retried but eventually
# raises an error condition.
RETRY("GET", "http://invalidhostname/")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab