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icesTAF (version 3.6.0)

icesTAF-package: Functions to Support the ICES Transparent Assessment Framework


Functions to support the ICES Transparent Assessment Framework, to organize data, methods, and results used in ICES assessments.



Arni Magnusson and Colin Millar.


Initial TAF steps:

draft.datadraft DATA.bib file
draft.softwaredraft SOFTWARE.bib file
periodpaste period string for DATA.bib
taf.bootstrapset up data files and software
taf.skeletoncreate empty TAF template

Running scripts:

cleanclean TAF directories
makerun R script if needed
makeAllrun all TAF scripts as needed
makeTAFrun TAF script if needed
msgshow message
sourceAllrun all TAF scripts
sourceTAFrun TAF script

File management:

convert.spacesconvert spaces
cpcopy files
mkdircreate directory
os.linuxoperating system
os.macosoperating system
os.windowsoperating system
read.tafread TAF table from file
sourceDirread all *.R files
taf.libraryload package from TAF library
taf.unzipunzip file
write.tafwrite TAF table to file


divdivide column values
flr2tafconvert FLR to TAF
long2tafconvert long format to TAF
long2xtabconvert long format to crosstab
plusrename plus group column
rndround column values
sam2tafconvert SAM to TAF
taf2longconvert TAF to long format
taf2xtabconvert TAF to crosstab
tttranspose TAF table
xtab2longconvert crosstab to long format
xtab2tafconvert crosstab to TAF


limcompute axis limits
taf.colorspredefined colors
taf.pngopen PNG graphics device
zoomchange lattice text size

Example tables:

catage.longlong format
catage.tafTAF format
catage.xtabcrosstab format
summary.tafsummary results

Administrative tools, rarely used in scripts:

clean.dataclean bootstrap data
clean.libraryclean TAF library
clean.softwareclean TAF software
depslist dependencies
detach.packagesdetach all packages
dos2unixconvert line endings
downloaddownload file
download.githubdownload repository
file.encodingexamine file encoding
get.remote.shalook up SHA code
is.r.packagecheck if file is an R package
latin1.to.utf8convert file encoding
line.endingsexamine line endings
rmdirremove empty directory
taf.installinstall package in TAF library
taf.libPathsadd TAF library to search path
taf.sessionshow session information
unix2dosconvert line endings
utf8.to.latin1convert file encoding


ICES Transparent Assessment Framework: https://taf.ices.dk.

To explore example TAF stock assessments, see the introductory video and tutorial.

The TAF Wiki provides additional help resources.