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L2boost - Exploring Friedman's Boosting Algorithm for Regularized Linear Regression

The L2boost package is an efficient implementation of Freidman's boosting algorithm for linear regression using an l2-loss function and coordinate direction (design matrix columns) basis functions. The package was developed in support of Ehrlinger and Ishwaran (2012)

The l2boost package implements a generic boosting method [Friedman (2001)] for linear regression settings using an l2-loss function. The basis functions are simply the column vectors of the design matrix. l2boost scales the design matrix such that the boosting coefficients correspond to the gradient direction for each covariate. Friedman's gradient descent boosting algorithm proceeds at each step along the covariate direction closest (in L2 distance) to the maximal gradient descent direction.

The l2boost function uses an arbitrary L1-regularization parameter (nu), and includes the elementary data augmentation of Ehrlinger and Ishwaran (2012), to add an L2-penalization (lambda) similar to the elastic net [Zou and Hastie (2005)]. The L2-regularization reverses repressibility, a condition where one variable acts as a boosting surrogate for other, possibly informative, variables. Along with the decorrelation effect, this elasticBoost regularization circumvents L2Boost deficiencies in correlated settings.

We include a series of S3 functions for working with l2boost objects:

  • print (print.l2boost) prints a summary of the fit,
  • coef (coef.l2boost) returns the model regression coefficients.
  • fitted (fitted.l2boost) returns the fitted response values from the training set,
  • residuals (residuals.l2boost) returns the training set residuals,
  • plot (plot.l2boost) for graphing,
  • predict (predict.l2boost) for prediction on possibly new observations,

A cross-validation method (cv.l2boost) is also included for L2boost and elasticBoost cross-validating regularization parameter optimizations.

Example Datasets

We have repackaged the diabetes data set from Efron et. al. (2004) for demonstration purposes. We also include simulation functions for reproducing the elastic net simulation (elasticNetSim) of Zou and Hastie (2005) and the example multivariate normal simulations (mvnorm.l2boost) of Ehrlinger and Ishwaran (2012).


Friedman J. (2001) Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine. (Ann. Statist.), 29:1189-1232

Ehrlinger J., and Ishwaran H. (2012). "Characterizing l2boosting" (Ann. Statist.), 40 (2), 1074-1101

Zou H. and Hastie T (2005) "Regularization and variable selection via the elastic net" (J. R. Statist. Soc. B), 67, Part 2, pp. 301-320

Efron B., Hastie T., Johnstone I., and Tibshirani R. (2004). "Least Angle Regression" (Ann. Statist.) 32:407-499

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GPL (>= 2)


John Ehrlinger

Last Published

February 11th, 2022

Functions in l2boost (1.0.3)


Extract model coefficients from an l2boost model object at any point along the solution path indexed by step m. coef is a generic function which extracts model coefficients from objects returned by modeling functions.

nice standard errors for plots

multivariate normal data simulations.


Efficient implementation of Friedman's boosting algorithm for linear regression using an l2-loss function and coordinate direction (design matrix columns) basis functions.

Blood and other measurements in diabetics [Hastie and Efron (2012)]

Generic gradient descent boosting method for linear regression.

A blocked correlated data simulation.

Extract the fitted model estimates along the solution path for an l2boost model.

This is a hidden function of the l2boost package. VAR is a helper function that specifically returns NA if all values of the argument x are NA, otherwise, it returns a var object.

predict method for l2boost models.


Unimplemented generic function These are placeholders right now.

plots.lines is used by plot.l2boost to the path lines (each j, against each r-step)


Unimplemented generic function These are placeholders right now.

Model residuals for the training set of an l2boost model object