#load a toy example: MCMC output consists of the random beta model
# applied to a normal mixture of \code{K=2} components. The number of
# observations is equal to \code{n=5}. The number of MCMC samples is
# equal to \code{m=300}.
# mcmc parameters are stored to array \code{mcmc.pars}
# mcmc.pars[,,1]: simulated means of the two components
# mcmc.pars[,,2]: simulated variances
# mcmc.pars[,,3]: simulated weights
# The number of different parameters for the univariate
# normal mixture is equal to J = 3: means, variances
# and weights. The generated allocations variables are
# stored to \code{z}. The observed data is stored to \code{x}.
# The complete data log-likelihood is defined as follows:
# x: data (size = n)
# z: allocation vector (size = n)
# pars: K\times J vector of normal mixture parameters:
# pars[k,1] = mean of the k-normal component
# pars[k,2] = variance of the k-normal component
# pars[k,3] = weight of the k-normal component
# k = 1,...,K
g <- dim(pars)[1] #K (number of mixture components)
n <- length(x) #this denotes the sample size
logl<- rep(0, n)
logpi <- log(pars[,3])
mean <- pars[,1]
sigma <- sqrt(pars[,2])
logl<-logpi[z] + dnorm(x,mean = mean[z],sd = sigma[z],log = TRUE)
#run the algorithm:
run<-sjw(mcmc = mcmc.pars,z = z,
complete = complete.normal.loglikelihood,x = x, init=0,threshold = 1e-4)
# apply the permutations returned by typing:
# reordered.mcmc[,,1]: reordered means of the two components
# reordered.mcmc[,,2]: reordered variances
# reordered.mcmc[,,3]: reordered weights
# }
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