Having estimated either the pair correlation or K functions using respectively ginhomAverage or KinhomAverage, the spatial parameters sigma and phi can be estimated. This function provides a visual tool for this estimation procedure.
covpars = c(),
guess = FALSE
an R object; output from the function KinhomAverage or ginhomAverage
range of sigma values to consider
range of phi values to consider
correlation type see ?CovarianceFct
vector of additional parameters for certain classes of covariance function (eg Matern), these must be supplied in the order given in ?CovarianceFct
logical. Perform an initial guess at paramters? Alternative (the default) sets initial values in the middle of sigma.range and phi.range. NOTE: automatic parameter estimation can be can be unreliable.
rpanel function to help choose sigma nad phi by eye
To get a good choice of parameters, it is likely that the routine will have to be called several times in order to refine the choice of sigma.range and phi.range.
Benjamin M. Taylor, Tilman M. Davies, Barry S. Rowlingson, Peter J. Diggle (2013). Journal of Statistical Software, 52(4), 1-40. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v52/i04/
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