This is a subset of PBCseq
data which contains only data from
260 patients known to be alive and without liver transplantation at 910 days of follow-up. Furthermore,
only a selection of longitudinal measurements is included and only those
measurements that were obtained by 910 days. The PBC910
dataset was used in
papers Komárek and Komárková (2013, 2014).
a data frame with 918 rows and the following variables
identification number of a patient
number of days between enrollment and this visit date (all measurements below refer to this date)
number of months between enrollment and this visit date
total number of follow up days
0/1 censoring indicator for event = death or
liver transplantation related to fu.days
natural logarithm of above
platelet count
0/1 presence of blood vessel malformations in the skin
jittered version of a variable spiders
Komárek, A. and Komárková, L. (2013). Clustering for multivariate continuous and discrete longitudinal data. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 7(1), 177--200.
Komárek, A. and Komárková, L. (2014). Capabilities of R package mixAK for clustering based on multivariate continuous and discrete longitudinal data. Journal of Statistical Software, 59(12), 1--38. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.18637/jss.v059.i12").