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The function pval2qval
takes a vector of p-values and
estimates for each case the tail area-based FDR, which can be regarded as a p-value corrected for multiplicity.
This is done by calling the fdrtool
If a cutoff is supplied, a vector of rejected hypotheses will be returned as well.
pval2qval(pValues, cutoff)
A list containing:
A numeric vector with one q-value for each hypothesis.
A logical vector indicating rejection/retention for each hypothesis when cutoff
is supplied.
Numeric vector of p-values to be used.
The positive FDR cutoff for rejection. Hypotheses with qValues
smaller then cutoff
will be rejected.
Strimmer, K. (2008). fdrtool: a versatile R package for estimating local and tail
area-based false discovery rates. Bioinformatics 24: 1461-1462.
Storey, J. D. (2003) The Positive False Discovery Rate: A Bayesian Interpretation and the q-Value.
The Annals of Statistics 31(6): 2013-2035
pvals<- runif(1000)^2
pval2qval(pValues=pvals, cutoff=0.1)
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