- sig2.single
is the rate, \(\sigma^2\), for a single-rate model. This is usually the "null" model.
- a.single
is the estimated state at the root node for the single rate model.
- var.single
variance on the single rate estimator - obtained from the Hessian.
- logL1
log-likelihood of the single-rate model.
- k1
number of parameters in the single rate model (always 2).
- sig2.multiple
is a length p (for p rates) vector of BM rates (\(\sigma_1^2\), \(\sigma_2^2\), and so on) from the multi-rate model.
- a.multiple
is the estimated state at the root node for the multi-rate model.
- var.multiple
p x p variance-covariance matrix for the p rates - the square-roots of the diagonals should give the standard error for each rate.
- logL.multiple
log-likelihood of the multi-rate model.
- k2
number of parameters in the multi-rate model (p+1).
- P.chisq
P-value for a likelihood ratio test against the \(\chi^2\) distribution; or
- P.sim
P-value for a likelihood ratio test against a simulated null distribution.
- convergence
logical value indicating if the likelihood optimization converged.