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playwith (version 0.9-54)

playDo: Do something in a specified plot space


Part of the playwith Application Programming Interface.


playDo(playState, expr, space = "plot", clip.off = !isTRUE(playState$clip.annotations), return.code = FALSE)


a playState object representing the plot, window and device.
an expression, typically a drawing operation, to evaluate in the plot space. It will be quoted (see examples).
the plot space (viewport) to go to before evaluating expr. This can be "plot", "page", or for lattice plots "packet N" (where N is a packet number), or for grid plots the name of a viewport passed to the viewport argument of playwith.
enforce no clipping of drawing operations: see clip argument to viewport.
if TRUE, return code (as an expression) for the given actions, rather than executing them.


the value returned by expr.


This function allows an arbitrary expression to be evaluated while some part of the plot has been made active (i.e. moving to a grid graphics viewport). Grid viewports are used also to represent spaces in a base graphics plot (using the gridBase package. That means expr can always use Grid drawing operations.

The default space="plot" will work for base graphics, grid graphics and for single-panel lattice plots. It will also work for multi-panel lattice plots when one panel is in focus (see trellis.focus).

Using space="page" will apply to the whole device space in normalised device coordinates (0--1).

Other functions such as playSelectData and playPointInput return values that can be used directly for the space argument.

See Also

playwith.API, playSelectData, playPointInput


Run this code
if (interactive()) {


packs <- paste("packet", rep(1:4, each=4))
playwith(xyplot(1:16 ~ 1:16 | packs))
myGp <- gpar(fill="red", col="black", alpha=0.5)

## draw in a specific packet
playDo(playDevCur(), grid.circle(gp=myGp), space="packet 2")

## draw in default space="plot" after focussing on one panel
trellis.focus("panel", 1, 1)
packet.number()  # 1, same as space="packet 1"
playDo(playDevCur(), grid.circle(gp=myGp))

## space="plot" does not work in a multi-panel plot
## unless one panel is in focus
try(playDo(playDevCur(), grid.circle(gp=myGp)))

## draw on the whole page
playDo(playDevCur(), grid.circle(gp=myGp), space="page")


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab